Taken by Wakandan Rebels

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The next morning, I woke up and found myself in a wooded area. I looked around, frantic. I stood up, brushed dirt and leaves off of me, and called out, "Hello!" I felt around for my ring, pistol, and earpiece. Thankfully, I had them. I turned my earpiece on and called out over the radio, "Can anyone hear me?!" Cap replied, "Yes. Where are you? You alright?" "I'm in some wooded area. I don't know exactly where I am. Is this another test?" I replied, my voice shaking. "No, it isn't. We're going to find you." Cap said. I left my earpiece on and started walking. I suddenly realized where I was. "Cap? I think I'm in Wakanda. Does T'Challa or Shuri...or Queen Mother know about this?" I asked. "No, they don't." Cap replied, worried. As I walked uphill, I felt something or someone staring at me. I slowly turned my head and pulled out my pistol. There was a Rebel standing two feet away from me. I yelled at the Rebel, "What do you want?! Did you bring me here?" I raised my pistol at him. "Cap, you better notify T'Challa." I said. "No need. I'm here. Where are you?" T'Challa said. "Here....Wakanda...in the woods. Please hurry." I replied. "I'm on my way with reinforcements." T'Challa said. Before I could answer, I saw the Rebel throw a spear at me and before I could use my ring to make a shield, it struck me in the shoulder through the shoulder blade. I yelled and gritted my teeth and then shot at him. He fell to the ground, dead. I heard another Rebel behind me say, "You're here because you owe us one good fight." I scoffed, "For revenge? You already had it." I made a dagger and stabbed him. I fought off as many as I could, but I was losing too much blood. "JARVIS, what's the ETA on T'Challa?" I yelled. "He's there. He and his reinforcements are trying to find you." He replied. I saw Okoye and yelled for her to help. She and two others ran to me and helped me sit down. "What happened?" Okoye asked, trying to keep pressure on my wound though I was impaled. "The Rebels took me again...for revenge...according to them." I said between pained gasps. Soon, the battle was over. T'Challa met us where we were. "We're going to get you to Shuri. Stay strong." T'Challa told me. I gave him a pained smile and said, "Thanks brother." He then carefully cut part of the spear off with his claws and then I was rushed to the medical wing.

"Hold still, Miss Cate!" Shuri told me as I tried getting the rest of the spear out. "It's right between bones! I can take it out!" I told her, gritting my teeth. "We are the ones that need to remove it. You could further damage the wound." Shuri told me as she and a doctor strapped my wrists and ankles. As Shuri and the doctors began carefully removing the spear, T'Challa walked in. "Have you notified Cap?" I asked him. "Yes. He's on his way with Doctor Strange and others." He replied. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of the pain, though it was nearly impossible. A minute later, as my shoulder was still being worked on, I heard Stephen tell me, "Hey kid. Hangin in there?" I opened my eyes and nodded. He ran his hand over my head and said, "Pietro is here." I gave him a pained smile and asked, "Where?" Pietro knelt beside Stephen and put his hand on my wrist and Stephen stood and walked out. Another painful hour later, and my shoulder was bandaged up. I fell asleep right after.

I woke up in the same spot two hours later, Pietro was asleep in a chair and my wrists and feet were free. I slowly sat up and told Pietro, "Hey sugar." He woke up and we chuckled. He walked over to me and asked, "How are you feeling?" "Still in a bit of pain, but I'm glad to be alive." I replied. "The twins, by the way, are right outside sitting with Wanda, Peter, and Vision. I nodded and he helped me up and out of the room. Shuri spotted me, she looked frantic. She walked over to me and said, "You shouldn't be up." "I'm alright." I assured her. She nodded and we walked to where Wanda, Peter, Vision and the twins were. "Mommy!" The twins exclaimed. "Hello, my angels!" I said as I knelt down to hug them. I should have taken Shuri's advice to stay down because as I went to stand up, I became lightheaded. Wanda, Vision and Pietro helped me up and asked if I was okay. I nodded. We sat down and waited with everyone else for Cap's game plan.

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