Chapter 7

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"Somebody help me!" A terrified voice cried out.  

A crowd had gathered to see what appeared to be an old lady dangling from the top of a tall building, holding on for dear life. 

"Help me! Help me! I'm a clumsy old woman! I thought my window was a door!" The old lady cried out. 

Right on cue, Superdog and and Underdog appeared zooming through the sky, ready to save the day as usual.  

"There's no need to fear" Shoeshine started. "Underdog is..." 

"You're going to fast. Look out!" Krypto warned before Shoeshine hit the side of the building. 

The lady started to fall while the crowd watched in horror.  

"You got this one?" Krypto asked his friend if he needed assistance with this rescue. 

"I seriously need to work on my landings" Shoeshine told his teacher before zooming down to catch the lady. "When old ladies are falling, I'm not slow. It's hip-hip-hip, and away I go!" 

Underdog caught the old lady by her jacket collar in his mouth while gently placing her down and the crowd was now relieved. 

"Nice save, buddy" Krypto said to his apprentice as he flew down, coming to his side.  

"You're safe now ma'am" Shoeshine told the little old lady. "And in the future, try to stay away from open windows"

"Lovely pup. I'm so grateful. A little treat for you" The old lady came up to the beagle and hooked a leash on his collar.  

Krypto came up and sniffed the old lady, thinking something was odd about her.

"What's the matter, doggy?" the voice changed to a man's while he took off the glasses. "Can't breathe?" 

"Hey, it's you" Shoeshine and Krypto realized it was Cad in disguise. 

"Let's go" Cad told the beagle and started walking off with him.  

As soon as Underdog and Superdog knew it was Cad... well, they took him for a little walk, and he looked pretty ridiculous. 

After dragging Cad through the city, the dogs got away but Shoeshine's collar fell off in the process. 

"Come on, superhero" Krypto told Shoeshine as they took off into the sky, getting as far away as possible with their super sonic-boom speed. 

"Where's your collar?" Krypto looked to his friend and noticed. 

"My collar?" Shoeshine asked and looked to see it was gone. 

"Cad must've gotten a hold of it" Krypto thought. The Superdog hoped that wouldn't lead to any trouble, but unfortunately he was wrong. 

Later when Krypto arrived back home to the Harpercops, he knew he and Underdog had to take that wicked man out before anything else bad happened to any innocent people. But currently, Shoeshine had gone out for the moment to the library with Jack, along with Molly and Polly.

Krypto changed out of his Superdog costume and explained to his foster family what happened.

Krypto vowed to his owners that he would find Barsinister and bring him to justice. The only problem was, he didn't know where Barsinister was. The only thing Krypto knew was that he was somewhere in the sewers.

Krypto tried his hardest, searching for half of the night for Barsinister and his secret lair, but no prevail. And Underdog didn't seem to be around at all to help either. Oh where, oh where could Underdog be right now?

Krypto soon came back home to take a break, resting with the family in the living room.

"Shoeshine's getting pretty good at being Underdog" Jane admitted, sitting on the couch with the rest of the family.

"Yes, his powers are improving nicely" Walter added.

"Yeah..." Krypto replied smiling, being very proud of his apprentice and all he had done to help Shoeshine become Capitol City's greatest hero.

"Do you think he's ready to protect the city on his own now?" Brock asked Krypto about Shoeshine. "You know, like... without your help"

"Hmmm. Not just yet" Krypto replied.

The white lab really thought that Shoeshine needed some kind of big test to prove that he was worthy of being a true hero to the city. 

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