Chapter 6

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The next morning, Kali was outside feeding the chickens real quick before coming back into the living room to find the rest of the family on the couch watching a special news report about last night's jewelry robbery. 

"While most of our city remains skeptical, the post is standing by its story of two dogs thwarting yesterday's jewelry robbery"

The family looked to Krypto, being very proud of him and Shoeshine for saving those people and making the news. 

Kali and Krypto soon went over to the Unger's house to check up on Jack and Shoeshine, with the twins tagging along this time. All four of them sat down in the living room, watching the news reports.

"According to eyewitnesses, the animals displayed uncommon strength and agility. The police have yet to comment on this strange report" 

"You're a superhero. You're a hairy, four-legged superhero" Jack told Shoeshine.  

"You know what? You're just like Krypto. Superman but with a flea collar" Brock added.  

"No, no" The beagle sighed. "No, I'm not. I'm nothing like Krypto"

"Shoeshine, you saved those people" Ann mentioned softly. 

"I know..." Shoeshine replied. "And it felt... good"

"But I can't do this" Shoeshine worried. "Someone's gonna recognize me and take me back"

"Take you back?" Jack asked, wondering what his dog meant by that.  

"He's talking about that place with the lab and that mad scientist he escaped from" Krypto explained to Jack. 

"Uh, I meant... take me back to normal" Shoeshine tried to cover up. 

"Turn you back to normal" Jack, the twins, and Krypto all corrected the beagle. 

The gang knew they were going to need some help at finding Shoeshine's alter ego. That's when Kali got an idea and dialed some numbers on her cellphone, calling up a friend of her's who knew a lot about superheroes and could deal with this kind of stuff. She soon got an answer from one of her best friends... Violet Parr. 

"Hey" Violet greeted her friend on the phone in her usually dreary voice. 

"Hi, Vi!" Kali smiled from hearing her friend's voice after it had been awhile now. "How's the family?" 

"They're okay" the black haired girl replied. "Mom and Dad are thinking about moving again though" 

"Listen, I need your help with something..." Kali was about to ask her friend on the phone but hesitated for a second, knowing this would be hard to tell Violet. 

"What did your parents do... in order to hide their... alter egos... as... superheroes?" 

"You know how I feel about that stuff, Kal" Violet reminded her best friend, sounding uneasy. "And you know that my parents are retired" 

"I know, but-" Kali tried to explain before Violet cut her off. 

"What's really going on?" Vi asked in a suspicious tone. 

"Nothing!" The tomboy quickly made up a lie. "Just researching for a school project" 

"Mhmm" Kali could hear in Vi's voice that she was obviously not convinced. 

"Look, I just need you to tell me what your parents did to keep their double lives a secret" Kali told her best friend.   

"Fine..." Violet began explaining. "Whenever mom or dad needed to hide their identities so people wouldn't recognize them... Well, they just wore a costume" 

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