Chapter 44

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I wake up and I am on Shawns chest, I put a shirt and shorts on and go on my phone until Shawn wakes up

"Morning babe" I say
" Morning hunny" he says

We have to check out of the hotel in an hour so we pack our stuff and head out

In the car Shawn says
"Thanks for last night" he says
"Oh my pleasure" I say
"No I mean for before that at the jetty, it was fucking freezing in there and I felt like I was going to freeze and drown but you made sure I didn't so thanks" he says
"No worries I could see how cold you were and I didn't want you to spend an extra second in there, but I was scared to" I say

We drive home and unpack our stuff back at mine

"Hey Shawn" says Kasey
"Hey Kasey" Shawn says

"How was the hotel, was there wine, was it romitic" she's says hesitating
"You mean romantic" I say
"Yeah that's it" she says
"Ahah well yes and yes" Shawn says
"Good" she says

We walk up yo my room and I hope on the bed, shawn picks up a guitar and starts to play

"Coz baby all I want for Christmas is youuuu" he sings, it's the first of December today which means it's almost Christmas yay my favourite time of the year

"Ash,Kasey, Shawn come down I'm putting up the Christmas tree if you want to help" mum yells out to us

We head down to the living room with the fire and mum is trying to get the Christmas tree through the window

"Mum What are you doing, why didn't you use the door" I say

"I don't know the window is bigger" she says struggling

"Here let me help" Shawn says as he grabs the other ends and pulls it in
"Thanks Shawn" she says

We get it standing up in the right and Kasey comes running down the stairs

"Yay the Christmas tree where are the declarations" she says and I chuck her a box
"Here" I say

Dad comes home and we all put the decorations up on the tree and around the house until it really feels like Christmas now

"Hey I was thinking my family could come here for Christmas, if that's cool" Shawn says to me
"Yeah, that would be great we can show you how to have an Aussie Christmas" I say
"Ahah and we can show them around a bit because last time they were here we were in hospital" he says
"Yeah well try and make there next visit better then ya" I say
"Good I'll tell them they can come" Shawn says

"Hey dad, will the backyard be ready for Christmas" I ask

Our backyard is being renovated at the moment, we are getting a pool, a deck and outdoor kitchen, and they are redoing the garden

"Um yeah it should be ready in a week" he says
"A week that's so good" I say

Later that day we go shopping for some Christmas lights to put up on our front garden, we go to a special Christmas shop and look around

"Ash, we should get this one" Shawn says pointing to one where Santa is drinking beer

"Yes let's get that one" I say jokingly

We buy 3 lights on is a blow up Santa and sleigh, one is some reindeer and the other one is a merry Christmas sign

We head home and Shawn helps dad put them up, we put the merry Christmas sign on the roof and the others on the lawn

"It feels so much like Christmas now" I say hugging Shawn
"Yeah this is going to be the best Christmas I've ever had" Shawn says
"Really" I say
"Yes because your in it" he says

I smile and hug him

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