5. Two Can Play...

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        *10:30AM Saturday, Whitney's House*

        "Ugh," I shove my phone back in my sweat pants pocket while grabbing my glass of milk off the counter.

       "Let me guess...Michael?" You can hear the curiosity in Cassidy voice. Instead of replying I decide to pretend like I didn't hear her and take a seat at my dinning table drinking down the cold liquid. 


        "Mm," I mumble through me swallowing down a glass of milk.

        "Winter," Cassidy sighs, "Are we ever going to talk about what happened last night?" she walks over and sits in another seat next to me. I give her a short glance before looking away and shrugging my shoulders.

        "It was nothing, no biggie," I assure Cass, but I already know she not one to easily just give up.

        "Winter," she goes wide eye, slamming her fist on the table, "I have known you for about 2 years and I know for a fact that your not one who easily cries."

        She is right, I hate crying. It makes me feel weak and powerless, I'd rather show a strong face than one where everyone feels bad for me. 

        "And no matter how many times you may deny it, something big went down between you and Michael," she moves her hand over my hand and squeezes it as she tries to send me a comforting message. 

        "You can tell me," she sighs. 

        I begin to open my mouth, figure I should probably talk about this sooner or later, until I feel a vibration on my thigh. Its my goddamn phone that has been buzzing non stop this morning. 

        "Ok who is that?" Cass snaps, I guess she notices the constant vibrating for the past 3 hours. 

        "Just tell me is it Michael?" Cass questions. I roll my eyes then look straight at her with a dull look, slowly becoming irritated

        "No it's not Michael, in fact your right me and Michael did fight but trust me he doesn't care!" 

        I snatch the now empty glass and stomp my way to the sink, placing the glass cup in the sink. Gosh I love Cass! But I swear on her grave if she doesn't stop asking about Michael, might need to punch her in the face. 

        "Whoa whoa, Winter! Calm, how do you know he doesn't care?" I know what Cass is trying to do which means a lot, she trying to make me think positive but I know...

        "Because he hasn't texted me once," I sigh, I focus on looking through the kitchen window and in deep thought, "Hilary's been texting me all this morning, she found out what happened between us and she been...well freaking out," I chuckle, typical Hilary. 

        "Well I'm sorry about Michael, what...what happened?" 

        I sigh, "Lets just say I guess we weren't as close as friends as I thought we were..." 

        *9:00AM Michael House, Michael POV*

        "Hilary please help me!" I shout in the phone, I rub my temples when I hear Hilary sigh and mumble under her breath probably some hateful words about me then clear her throat.

        "Fine, fine." 

        Yes! I feel like I can breathe again when after an hour of screaming on the phone with her she finally considers helping me out with Winter. 

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