1. Sealed With a Kiss...

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        "This is a great piece, I love your work and I really think I could use you as a professional writer Mrs. Kurt," he scratches his beard and leans back in his chair. The sweat piles up in my palms as I casually wipe them on my thigh, crossing my leg over the other. 

        "Ahem, Thank you," I clear my throat, "It means a lot that your a fan of my work, well, because I'm a fan of yours," I nervously laugh in my seat, his smile quiffs up in a smirk, he begins to lean forward in his chair, looking down at my stack of papers, taking one last skim through the prologue. 

        "And this is based on someone you know? Yes?" he mutters, no eye contact.

        "Mm yes, based on a true story,"

        "And this dedication it says on the third page," he squints his eyes closely,"Dedicated to who? Michael?"

        My eyes fall to my sweaty hands as I sit there in a moment of silence. I open my mouth to say, but can't seem to find the words, before I hear Mr. Lancelot repeat my name.

        "Yes," I blurt out, my eyes slowly open up to Mr Lancelot, staring at me mysteriously, I try to glance over to the paintings on his wall, but his stare makes me feel very uncomfortable. 

        "Mrs. Kurt I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but as a writer, you tend to write your experiences and personal feelings in your work, which what makes a writer," the old man stands up from his seat, taking steps around his desk to only lean against the desk right in front of me.

        "Now me being curious, I want to know...did you know this boy?" he whispers.

        My eyes fall to my lap, as I slowly nod to his response, the memories only flooding my mind...

        (10 years before...)

        Hmm lets see is it this classroom? No no no its room 64? 

        I stand in the middle of the empty hallway of Brooklyn Middle School, only lost. First day of 7th grade and I'm already 10 minutes late to class. I dig my head in the crinkled paper with my classroom and student information, problem is the black writing has faded. Seriously why don't they have a map? 

        "Are you serious right now?" I mumble in frustration. If only I could find anything in this school? I don't even know where the office is! Ugh.

        "Of course this would happen to me!" I whisper in a yell, throwing my middle finger high to the ceiling so that the stars or whatever thing that controls your luck and your fate can see how pissed off I am at them. Its like the stars never want me to be happy or something? Like whats up with that? I'm a great person! 

        I glance around me and slowly bring my hand down, the aching feeling like someone watching me be a freak in the hallways burns inside of me. 

        "Ok I'll try and find the office first," I instruct myself.

        Onward and upwards! I turn around ready to succeed in life only to smack heads with what feels like a metal rock that throws my poor body to the ground. Thanks stars...great to know whenever I'm actually trying to succeed, you'd rather me taste the dirt! 

        I rub my now bruised head radiating pain through out my brain. 

        "What the hell?" I whine. 

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