Interlude I

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Death panicked.

He had no idea what had happened, but he had a general idea. It wasn't good.

So without thinking, he acted on impulse. Death disappeared from where he stood, only to reappear very near to Malea's location.

He could hear her screams, which caused him to get to her faster. Flinging her damaged door open, Death's eyes scanned the room. They fell on a male figure, towering over a little girl.

My Malea

Death stalked toward her father, slamming him against the wall, away from Malea. "Let go of me!" Her father struggled. Death grinned sadistically at him.

"I think not. I think it's time you woke up." Death tapped the man's head, and he fell unconscious. Letting the man fall to the ground, his attention went to the cowering girl in the closet.

Her phone was crushed, was the first thing he noticed.

"Malea?" He questioned softly, squatting down to her level as he watched her quiver. "What happened?"

Malea looked up, startled that another person was in the room. She recognised his voice, though. "Dean?"

"Hey, princess." He smiled, offering her his hand. She grasped it before he pulled her up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded, but still had tears in her eyes. Death knew it was time to go to the police, and she did too. "Where's mommy?"

"I don't know." Death said, then paused at the door. "Malea, can you wait here so I can go make sure it's okay?"

"Please, don't leave me alone with him!" Malea pleaded, "Please."

"Alright." He complied, "Just don't look. Do you understand?"

"Yes." She nodded. Taking her hand again, he led her down the stairs into the living room. Immediately, Death hid her face from the scene.

Her mother was seconds away from being dead, and he hated that he was the one to take her away. In that moment, Death wished he had never come to be.

But what was done, was done. Death would come back to collect her soul once he had helped Malea file a police report. Until then, he waved his hand to sustain her.

"Malea, it is time to decide. Are we going to the police or not?" Death asked her as soon as they were both outside.

"We need to go to the police." Malea said, and Death nodded.

"Close your eyes, princess." She did as she was told before she felt a rush of wind. Death appeared in front of the police station with Malea in his arms.

They walked into the police station hand in hand. Death was the only one to emerge that day as he went to send Malea's mother to the afterlife that she deserved.

Malea, however, was now in the foster system as her father was hauled off the jail. Neither Death nor Malea knew what kind of experience it may be, but it had to be better than living with her father.


(I have a very busy life filled with school and shit like that. But I can always make time to write. I just need some motivation like, oh I don't know, more comments and votes? Don't get me wrong, getting more than one vote on my story is awesome, but like come on people, talk to me!!! At thus rate I might as well be updating once every few weeks. You know what to do to motivate me.

Also, if you want news on when my updates are coming out, follow me. I post an announcement of when I will be updating every week.


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