The fire said

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Chapter 10

In the Underworld, Hades was pacing the floor waiting for his nephew to arrive. The palace was clean and ready to receive the Prince. The guards were allied and armed prepared to defend.

"Quit worrying, about him. It's not like he's coming here alone. Poseidon is bringing him, for his son he would destroy the world. They'll be here soon." Persephone said while sitting on her throne reading a book.

She might not seem like she cares, but she too was worried about the child. But just as she was about the turn the page on the "How To Take Care of A Newborn Child" that was cleverly covered, a bright light engulfed the room.

Poseidon was standing at the bottom of the steps holding a sleeping Percy. "Sorry for the wait brother, we both fell asleep." Scratching the back of this head.

Hades walked down the stairs smiling at his brother. "No worries, at least you both are safe. For a second I thought something happened to both of you." They greeted at the bottom with a smile and a hug. Hades then looked down at the sleeping Prince.

"Do you want to put him down in the crib? The room is all set and everything."

"Sure, then if you don't mind we could talk and walk around. I've never been here before."

Both brothers walked up the stairs for Persephone to greet Poseidon. "Hello Lord Poseidon, welcome to our humble palace."

Poseidon looked around and this was everything but humble. There were fountains and gardens that embraced the death around them. But yet they look so elegant and stunning. The thrones had so many jewels it was blinding. Needless to say, this place was beautiful.

"Thank you for having me. I hope my son gives you no trouble." Giving her a slight bow only since he was still carrying Percy.

She smiled and looked down at the sleeping child. He looked just like his father, but then she thought of something, his mother, she's here in the underworld.

"Can I hold him, that way you and Hades can talk comfortably." Shocking the two gods.

"Sure, thank you." Poseidon extended his arms and smiled. Persephone was careful to cradle the baby's head. That was very important, or so the book said.

They walked to the courtyard turned into this massive hallway, on the left, there was a stable, and the only reason Poseidon knew that was because there was dry hay and a nametag on the door that read Blackjack. The kept walked past one door that led into a huge training center that was still under construction. Another one that headed into a cave that had a waterfall and a huge lake. There were crystals on the top which made it look into a starry night sky.

When the got into Percy's room Posideon's jaw dropped. He knew that Hades had started a new section for Percy but he didn't imagine it to be this big. It was a two-story entrance, it looked like a cave was just carved out, but with all the gems, it looked studding.

"Brunelleschi and Michelangelo pitched some ideas that I really enjoyed. Some others helped, that's what I love about the underworld. I have the mortal's smartest people at my bidding. As they started walking down the hall, Poseidon saw different rooms, all with the purpose of making Percy feel comfortable in the Underworld. To his right, there was a huge stable and the only reason he knew that was its purpose was that Blackjack's name was hanging on the barn door.

Posideon chuckled.

"What's so funny, care to tell?" Hades pondered.

"Percy and Blackjack sleep in the same crib, good luck making him stay in the stables."

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