I Swear

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Here is part 14, hope you enjoy !!!!!

Leave a comment on what you think I can make better.

With all this shit going on, wherever you are stay safe.

Zeus POV

After the attack on the hunters, I decided that for the time being, Percy would not be allowed to be with the hunters. It puts them at danger and also Percy. Artemis was taking it hard, asking Percy for forgiveness. Zeus felt sorry for his daughter, all she wanted was a family. She found that with the hunters, but adding Percy to her family just made everything better. Everyone else was taking it easy, playing with the young prince was a great pass time. Aphrodite was changing his clothing every few seconds. From sailor suits to onesie to robes. Percy didn't seem to mind, he was too busy playing with Apollo and Hermes. Hera was reading a book, and all the other gods were watching the young prince.

"You all do realize what this means." Hades was sitting  near the doorsteps. "They know about Percy. They know what he means and how much power he holds."

Everyone started looking at each other and whispers appeared.

"We can't leave him alone for one second. Even in our realms we cannot be sure he will be safe. We have to change some things now for the better." Athena walked around the room, stopping next to Percy. "Also might as well do it now that he doesn't know what's going on. Cause if he's gonna be anything like his father, he's not gonna shut up til he's heard."

Poseidon smiled very so slowly, looking like he was pleased with the comment made. "Well thank you for that Athena, I do agree with you in this, he can't be left alone. We must find someone trustworthy to be with him all the time."

"Yes, that's exactly what we need to do." Zeus walked over to Percy and picked him up. "We must do it now. We don't want this pretty little prince to be hurt." His baby voice made some gods smile. Zeus walked back to his throne with Percy in this arms.

"You know uncle P, I can do it. I would love hang out with the little man all the time."

Poseidon had a nervous look on his face and he was about to open his mouth when he was beat by Artemis.

"The only way you will be taking care of Percy is if you're the only god left. Besides you have duties to attend to. Put your hand down Hermes."

"You guys are no fun, what's so bad that I wanna take care of him. Aren't you guys glad that I wanna be with him and care about his well being." Apollo looked so upset.

"It's not like we don't trust you, but its that we don't trust you to watch him.  Knowing you, you'll bring him to some party and he'll grow up to be a womanizer and that's not something we want or need."

Apollo rolled his eyes and smiled. "You're all just jealous."

Everyone shook their head and back to the business at hand.

"He should have a guardian at all time, we just have some find someone." Athena mumbled.

"That's a great idea but who is what's bothering me."

Poseidon snapped his fingers. "I got it! Triton!" Everyone looked at each other with concerns.

"Really? Doesn't he hate him?" Artemis asked.

"No!" The smile on Poseidon's face was huge. "He loves him."

"Mmm, well that would make it easier." Zeus stroked his beard. "Very well, bring Triton here."

Poseidon snapped his fingers and Triton appeared in the middle of the room.

He bowed, "The Olympian council, what an honor."

"Triton we have a task for you, are you willing to receive it." Zeus spoke.

"Yes M'Lord."

"We want you to protect Prince Perseus from any harm that may come his way."

"My Lords and Ladies it would be my honor to protect the Prince. I swear on the river Styx that I will do my very best to keep him safe."

Thunder shook the room, binding the oath to the god.

"So it's settled, you will protect the prince at all cost and you will be with him at all times. Never leave his side. He is the future of our kingdoms.

Triton bowed.

"You can go and finish your duties, we'll wrap here." Poseidon said.

"Yes Father." And he was gone.

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