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Riley's POV

the show flies by and Skylar and I have been watching from the side by the security guys.

Matt looks over at me a couple times, but not too long that it draws attention.

They're naturals up there.

Mahogany plays some great music, Shawn sings flawlessly, Jack and Jack do some rapping and singing together, and the other guys have dance battles.

Before I know it the guys are coming over to the VIP area to meet some fans.

They stand by a white screen with logos on it and fans line up with their VIP passes to see them.

Some girls are stars truck and some are just chill.

"Riley?" I hear a vaguely familiar voice say.

I turn my head to see a dark brown head of hair, bark blue eyes, and a kind smile. Jason.

Jason is my ex-boyfriend from freshman year. we went on a few dates and had a pretty solid relationship, but then his dad got transferred for business and they all had to move.

We tried a long distance relationship for a while, but it wasn't working out so we broke things off.

He leaned down to his little sister Kyla, who is 13 and short for her age and I'm guessing tells her to stay in line and stuff.

I wave and plaster a smile on my face, it's really great to see him but at the same time I don't know what to do.

He walks towards me quickly and wraps me in a tight hug and I awkwardly hug back.

I can just feel a glare from Matt.

"So how have you been? what are you doing here?" he blurts with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm good, and cam is part of magcon so I came with him." I explain leaving out Matt.

"You still look as beautiful as ever." he says with a sincere smile.

I blush a little and thank him.

We stand there awkwardly after exchanging numbers and then Matt walks over to me and pecks my cheek.

"Hey" I say sweetly as he puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Who's this?" he says right away with a glare towards Jason.

"Matt, this is Jason, my ex from freshman year, and Jason this is Matt, my boyfriend." I introduce the two of them.

Jason has a shocked look on his face when I mention Matt is my boyfriend.

"Uh, cool." Jason says running a hand through his hair.

"Ya." Matt says.

"Well I gotta get back to my sister, I have to get her home." he says awkwardly and excuses himself.

"What was that Ri?" he blurts as soon as Jason is out of earshot and most fans have cleared out.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"I saw him flirting with you and you didn't stop him." he says crossing his arms.

He's actually really cute when he's jealous.

"He's my ex Matt, calm down, I haven't seen him in 3 years, it was a fluke that we ran into eachother here." I explain.

"Ok." he relaxes and uncrosses his arms.

He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and pulls back and kisses me softly.

Just as we pull away from eachother the other guys come up to us and mahogany is packing up her dj equipment.

"Do you guys want to hang out in my room? movie marathon!!!" Jack J exclaims.

"Haha of course!" I laugh out.

Jack J and I have become pretty close friends lately, he's like a brother.

We go up to the second floor and I quickly go into my room, wipe off my makeup, throw my hair into a messy bun, and put on some sweatpants and a loose t shirt.

Then I head over to jack and jacks room for the movie marathon.

I knock on the door and Nash answers.

"Heyo!!!" I exclaim playfully.

Nash just laughs and leads me in.

Mahogany and Skylar sit in the chairs and a bunch of the guys lay on their stomachs on the beds while some of them just sit on the floor leaning up against the beds.

Nash belly flops into the bed next to cam and I sit on the floor next to Matt.

We watch a bunch of comedy, horror, adventure, and sci-fi movies until it's about 1:00 am.

A few of the guys fell asleep and so did Skylar.

So those of us who were awake woke up all the sleepers by putting some shampoo and stuff in our hands and smacking them to wake them up.

I squeeze a bunch of conditioner into my hand and wake up Skylar because none of the guys would hit a girl.

I smack her, leaving a blob of hair conditioner on her cheek, and she wakes up with a gasp and we all laugh.

Matt wakes up carter, Taylor wakes up nash, and then mahogany wakes up Aaron.

We all laugh so hard and then Matt grabs my hand and leads me out of the room while more people get smacked and woken up.

He walks me to my room and turns to me and looks me in the eyes.

He leans in and cups my face with his hands, kissing me softly but meaningly, we finally pull away and we both smile sheepishly.

We can still hear people getting smacked in the other room down the hall.

"I think I love you." He blurts out.

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