Songs & and the Clone Wars

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Sole: I still don't agree with this.

Sproing: Ohhhh you know that you love me.

Sole: (shivers at the remark)

Valentine: stop saying stuff like that he's off limits!

Opal: Just read the dare already.

Sole: ok ok, the dare is from  minhhoang2092004's group. shard asks what are our favorite songs, and Lightning dares us to react to the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Series.

Icelyn: crap

Sproing: what is it Stormy?

Icelyn: stop calling me that!

Sproing: well I'm not sure about anyone elts but my favorite song has to be Clutterfunk from Geometry dash.

Silver: mine is Sky Lanterns by Static-P

Sole: well if I had to chose I would say It's All A Blur by tryhardninja

Opal: oh I know It has't to be It's Not Like I Like You by Static-P

Jasper: I think I would have to pick All On Me by Monstercat

Burst: I Like Sugar Popped Sunshine by Static-P!!!

Poppy: Lit Like Litten by Fandroid.

Valentine: mine has to be 10 Reasons by Ck9c

Pearl: the song I like is Bumblebee by Monstercat

Icelyn: ................

Pearl: and your song is?

Icelyn: ................

Sproing: you know wouldn't it be fun to fly some more kind of like earlier?

Icelyn: OK, FINE ITS LET IT GO........ by Disney

Pearl: wow that is not what I was expecting at all.

Icelyn: Can We Just Please Move On!!!

Sole: ya, lets watch the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Series



Sole: ya it was great.

Poppy: it was a bit scary but not as scary as I thought it would be.

Burst: I liked It.

Valentine: Asoka was cool

Jasper: it was pretty ok to me.

Pearl: I wouldn't mind watching it again

Opal & Sproing: (Opal dressed as darth vader, and Sproing dressed as Boba Fett)

Opal: We are having a starwars merithon no questions asked.

Sproing: Star Wars Movies 1-10 Here We Come!!!!!!!!!!

Sole: ok, send more dares and asks please.

Valentine: Bye, Till Next Time!!!

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