Part 4

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The fourth time it happened Sandra could hardly remember. They all had the day off the next day and had gone out for drinks with the cast and some of the crew. Sandra wasn't huge on drinking, because she knew once she started she knew she wouldn't stop until she was destined for a killer headache the next day. But she'd tagged along anyway, not wanting to spend the evening alone in her trailer. The first one or two hours were pretty chill, everyone mingled and took a sip from their various cocktails once and a while.

Sandra spent a good forty-five minutes talking to Anne before she'd retired to her own little corner with her phone. Predictably though, it didn't take long for someone to find her, she just didn't think it would be Cate. "What're you doing over here in the corner?" Cate's accent was thick and smooth much like the bourbon she'd consumed throughout the night.

"Oh, just chilling."

Cate stared at her a moment, cherry lips pursing slightly, "Come on Sandy, don't mope over here, come dance." She insisted, reaching down to grab Sandra's hand.

Laughing Sandra shook her head, "I don't dance."

"We both know that's not true." Cate grinned, and Sandra was suddenly grateful for the darkened room so that the pink that was surely spreading up her cheeks wasn't apparent.

She took a sip of her drink and shrugged, "I don't know..."

"Suit yourself." Cate said, "Bartender, can I get another bourbon?" She called over Sandra's shoulder, catching the drink as it slide across the counter.

"Catch ya later Bullock." She sent her air kiss and sauntered off, leaving Sandra longing for the warmth of her hand again.

Sandra watched as Cate and Sarah talked together at the other side of the room, both of them absentmindedly swaying to the beat of the song. A feeling she decided not to investigate started to boil in her stomach as she watched Cate lean over in laughter and touch Sarah's shoulder. She downed the rest of her drink as if she thought it would extinguish the angry fire inside her.

She knew she was being ridiculous, Sarah was in a relationship of over five years and Cate was married for heavens sake. Sandra herself was in a relationship and should not be feeling whatever twisted type of jealously that she was feeling as she gazed at the two blonde women.

This was her own fault, she knew, she was letting Cate get to her. The younger woman didn't mean any harm, it was just the way she was, she drew everyone in. How could she not? She had this beautiful laugh that made you feel all warm inside, and she was absolutely brilliant, she made you feel like you were really living. But she did that to everyone, Sandra wasn't special, she'd let herself indulge in the thought for a while but now it was time to let this delusion go. Filming was almost over and she would have to let this go, whatever this was.

She looked up from her lap and saw Cate staring at her from across the room, and when their gazes met her mouth formed into a smirk. The inner monologue she'd just had vanished, and she felt herself standing. Okay, she would let it go after tonight. She promised herself she would. With that decision made, she started to make her way towards the actress who was still grinning at her.

Sarah had gone to check on Helena, who was lingering by the bar, looking a bit flustered. Cate found her eyes searching the room for Sandra. She hadn't moved from her seat and was currently staring into her empty glass like it was going to tell her the future. Abruptly, Sandra looked up and their eyes found each other, causing a small smile to form on her lips.

Mere seconds later and Sandra was stalking towards her, almost predator-like grin on her lips, that was new. Cate felt something stir in her stomach, something that was definitely due to the amount of drinks she'd had and definitely not the woman looking at her like she was the only person in the room. Frankly it didn't matter what she had told herself as a strong arm wrapped around her, twirling her around with a gasp. "Oh hello there." She grinned, "Thought you didn't dance."

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