Part 5

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This chapter is dedicated to Taylor, ily

They only had a month left of filming when it happened again. There was a concert that night in Central Park and Sandra had asked Cate to go with her. She'd agreed and rushed to her trailer to get ready, a huge relief sagging in her chest that Sandra was reaching out. She and Bryan and broken it off about a week ago and even though she had insisted everything was fine there was a clear change. The cast had agreed it would be best to give her the space to feel her feelings but it was still hard to watch. Sandra came to set, shot the scenes, and went back to her trailer. She hardly said anything to anyone and if she did it was like she was in another world.

Cate wanted to be there for her, whether it was to talk or just sit there for company. She'd almost tripped over herself in her hurry to get changed, returning shortly in a pair of white jeans and a soft white and brown sweater. Sandy was wearing something similar, black leggings and a long dusty rose knitted sweater. "Ready?" She asked, taking a second to register Cate was even there.

"Yup, are we walking?" Sandra raised an eyebrow but didn't comment at how out of breath Cate was, not realizing she'd just run from her trailer.

"I think it would be better because of parking, but I'm not sure I feel safe coming back in the dark."

"Well I have pepper spray and we can call an Uber if you want."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

They agreed and began their journey towards Central Park in silence, observing the darkening city around them. They could hear the music drifting from the center of the park once they got to the entrance, following the sound until they came across the small platform. Cate hadn't asked what kind of concert this was, but if the amount of couples and 'A Sky Full of Stars' playing on stage was any clue...Cate glanced over at her friend in concern, "Sandra are you sure this is...uh..ya know a good idea?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Sandra snapped, causing Cate to recoil, missing the way Sandra winced at her own words, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, I just want to make sure you're alright." She confessed quietly.

"You don't have to protect me Cate." She said, reaching inside her backpack to shake out the picnic blanket she'd brought.

Yes, I do. I want to. "I know."

They silently set up the picnic blanket, under a small willow tree farther away from everyone else. Sandra sat down and pulled out two sandwiches out of the bag, offering one to Cate who was just beginning to sit. She took it without a word, settling a comfortable distance from her friend. They stayed silent for the next forty-five minutes, listening to the mellow music drifting from the stage. It had gotten significantly darker since when they'd arrived, and Cate was glad she'd worn a sweater.

Another ten minutes and the sun had completely set over the park, causing a string of warm white lights flickered on above them. She heard herself gasp as she looked up at the lights that were strung from tree to tree. Those hadn't been there last time she was here, but what a nice touch, it cast a soft glow over the stage and people in the crowd. She stared up at them until her neck began to ache and she had to refocus on the stage, her hand gingerly rubbing the back of her neck.

I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over

The familiar sway of the drums reached her ears and she looked over at Sandra, only to find her staring, more focused than she had been the entire week...on Cate. Her hand paused their movements on the back of her neck before she quickly turned away and looked back up at the lights. She tried to focus on how they could substitute stars in the light-polluted city and not how they'd danced in Sandra's eyes.

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