Chapter 11: Resolving Issues

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It's been a little less than two years since I left. I rarely leave my room. I haven't deactivated my holoform at all for these three weeks. I sigh as I start sketching in my sketchbook. It was of me and Ironhide playing back on Cybertron. I miss him... but he's probably off with Chromia, not even caring that I'm nowhere near him. Heck, he's probably even glad for it. Then he can be with Chromia without having to worry about me walking in on them. I sigh again before tossing my sketchbook to the side, ignoring the rumbling in my belly. I can't remember the last time I consumed energon. It doesn't matter to me though. I sigh again before going to the window. It was raining as it has for the past few days. I frown as I see a familiar black truck pull into the driveway. My spark pangs against my chest and I bring my hand up and clutched my necklaces. I sigh before walking away from the window and sitting down on my bed, my back facing away from the door.

I hear a knock on the door from downstairs and hear Judy answer it. I could hear how excited she was to see that it was Ironhide's holoform. Soon, there is a knock on my bedroom door. I don't say anything so the door opens.

"Star..." Ironhide's voice was a bare whisper. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I quickly wipe them away.  He comes and sits next to me and tries to give me a hug but I stand up and go to the window, watching the rain pour. I hear him sigh and my spark clenches.

"Star... please... come back to me..." His words filled me with anger.

"It's been two years, Ironhide! You expect me to just come back to you after you left me alone for two years?? How stupid are you?" I whirled around to face him, and he recoils after seeing how angry I was. I was furious. Well... somewhat... Some of it was me trying to hide how much I did want to go back to him... He hangs his head and I felt some of my anger dissipate.

"I'm sorry, Star..." I growl at him softly.

"It's Starfire to you."

He hugs his arms to his chest and to my surprise, he starts to cry. I have trouble holding my resolve and I almost go to comfort him.

"Star please... I love you." His voice was a mere whisper.

"I don't love you", I hiss, though it was a complete and utter lie. "I may have loved you once but you... you broke my trust... I wasn't ready for a commited relationship, 'Hide! Especially not in the midst of a war! And you never let me explain! You just said that we couldn't be friends... Even after I begged and pleaded, you still said no! That broke my spark because you are- were my best friend! And then all because I wasn't ready to be kissed, you left me! You left me and went to Chromia! That hurt more than anything..."

"Star..." That was all he could seem to seem to say.

"Leave", I growl, turning away from him to hide my tears.

"Star... please... I'm-", I cut him off there.

"LEAVE!", I whirl around to face him, tears streaming down my face. He looks startled at my outburst and reaches his hand out as if to wipe away my tears before letting it fall to his side. His head falls down and he shuffles out of my room slowly. Before he completely leaves, he turns and says one last thing.

"You'll always be my shooting Star."

He then leaves and, as soon as he's out, I shut the door before collapsing to the floor in tears. I rest my head against the door before singing a song I had recently found.

My voice trembles as I sing it quietly.

"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine.
Nothing could keep us apart.
Cause you are the one I was meant to find."

I pull my knees to my chest and cry softly for several minutes before another knock comes to the door.

"Go away..." I mutter quietly but loud enough so they could hear me.

"Starfire... it's just me." I recognized my mothers voice. I stand up and open the door and saw my mother's holoform. Her eyes softened when she saw how horrible I looked but then her eyes go serious.

"Ironhide has gone missing", she says. I sigh softly.

"Good for him", I mutter.

"We believe that he went to go find some Decepticons... by himself... and we can't trace his signal." I stare at my mother.

"But that's a suicide mission!" I was shocked but then... it all clicked. "And he knows that... I have to find him!"

I deactivate my holoform and turn my engine on. I pull out of the driveway before rushing towards the base. Before I get there though, my spark tugs in a specific direction. I gasp before following the tugging on my spark. It led me far away and I was speeding through all the cars because I had to get to Ironhide before he killed himself. Soon, I heard sounds of fighting. I follow the sounds and transform once I get far enough away from the road. I find a clearing in a forested area where there were three Decepticons and one Autobot. Ironhide. He wasn't fighting back. I saw them manage to knock him over and aim their cannon at his sparkchamber.

"NO!!" I leapt out and took on all three Decepticons, each one bigger than me. I knocked one of them out, leaving two more. Suddenly, the other was gone and I looked to find Ironhide finally fighting back. I smile sadly at him before we both attacked the last one who transformed and flew away when he realized that he was not going to win this fight.

We both pause, catching our breath before Ironhide turns to look at me.

"Why are you here?" His voice came out weak, and as a whisper.

"Because I'm your shooting Star", I simply state and he smiles lightly.

"And I will always be your 'Hide", he says before pulling me close. He gives me a hug and I smile before hugging him back. He pulls away slightly but not a whole lot.

"Permission to kiss you?" He was nervous and I smiled softly at him.

"Permission granted", I say softly. He grins before leaning down and giving me a short but sweet kiss. I smile softly before leaning up and kissing him, hard. It eventually turned into a makeout session until someone cleared their throat.

We look to the right where we saw two very important figures in my life. Optimus Prime and Elita-1. My parental units. Elita had a grin on her face while Optimus.... I don't know what he was feeling... Me and Ironhide spring back from one another, me rubbing my left arm with my right servo, Ironhide rubbing the back of his helm.

"It's about time!" I wasn't surprised with my mother's reaction. I was surprised however when she added. "See, Optimus, I told you that they were bound to get together at some point!"

Optimus sighs. "You told me that back when we were still on Cybertron. When she first started calling Ironhide hers."

"Exactly!" I blink before bursting out into a fit of giggles. They look confused and I smile.

"You guys are really cute. I'm just saying", I say before making my way over to Ironhide before leaning against him, suddenly feeling tired. It makes sense... I haven't moved this much in two years. I also haven't been getting the amount of energon I need so my stores are really low.

"Star, are you alright?" Ironhide was concerned. I stifle a yawn and sit down on the ground.

"Yeah... just really tired", I mumble, my optics half closed.

"Star, when was the last time you filled your energon stores?" Ironhide was kneeling in front of me.

"Uhm..." I was feeling woozy now and somewhere in my foggy brain, I knew that they knew that. "I think it was about... two weeks ago..."

Ironhide tensed up but that was the last thing I knew before it all went dark.

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