Only Nerds Can Come Up with Titles

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Ember: "You know, the hardest part in writing these things is coming up with how to start them, so instead of doing that, let's just jump right in!" She said excitedly.

*Ember squints at her tablet*

Ember: "Ooh, it's a question for everyone, and it's about- oh," she paused for a second," it's about me, oh dear..." She winced a little.

Jon, curious: What is it?" He asked, looming over her shoulder.

Ember: "My god you're tall from this angle..." She shuddered a little but shook her head, regaining focus." Oh! It says uh, it asks what everyone thinks of me." She said with worry.

Jon: "Oh, well, that's doesn't sound too bad, I like you, although I've still not forgiven you for the hair thing." He said with narrowed eyes.

Ember: "I said I was sorry, ok?!" She hissed defensively. "And I'm not sure everyone will be as forgiving as you, I mean I did kind of take them away from their lives and force them to answer questions from random people on the internet, or uh, a random person on the internet." She confessed with a grimace.

Jon: "I'm sure it'll be fine, don't worry." He said with a reassuring pat on the head.

Ember: "Thanks, can you call everyone in please?" She asked.

Jon: "Sure thing." He answered.

*He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, while Ember covered her ears. *

Jon: "Everyone get in here! We've got questions!" He called loudly.

*Everyone who isn't already in the room quickly comes while the people already in the room give him an irritated glare*

After everyone assembles Ember calls for their attention. After everyone's focused on her, much to her chagrin, she begins to speak.

Ember: "Ok, so, I've got a question for each of you, LitzBlitz asked you all what you think of me...uh, yay?" She gave a half-hearted grin. "Jon doesn't have to answer, he already told me." She smiled.

Everyone groaned in disappointment.

Ember, unimpressed."Glad you guys are so enthused." She stated flatly.

Ember: "Anyway, let's just get this over with..." She muttered.

The D-gang started first (You know their official name is the Delicious gang now?).

Dashlie: " Eh, she's fine, I didn't think I'd ever meet anyone shorter than Ashlie who's in high school, though," she grinned at her," her Dad dyes hair pretty well too." She mused while fiddling with her newly blue hair.

Ember rolled her eyes, comments on her height were nothing new.

Richard and Don both gave equally disinterested reactions.

Ddawn sniffed contemptuously. "She is insufferably cheerful. It's infuriating." He growled before stalking away.

Ember shrugged. "Don't know what I expected of that one really."

Dory: "She's pretty nice, and adorable." He said while hugging her. (Btw Dory's the same height as Cory which is about 5'10 if I'm correct)

Ember: "Squishing me, SQUISHING ME." He hastily let go of her.

Dory: "Whoops, sorry." He said while blushing in embarrassment.

Duni didn't have a response, he was just writing something, probably some creepy romance thing for Uni, didn't really matter though, she knew what the answer would be anyway.

Dommy grunted and shrugged, she didn't know if that was good or not.

After the D-gang gave their opinions they moved on to the normal gang.

Ashlie: "I like her, she's pretty nice, and she's a smol like me which gives us an automatic kinship." She grinned while wrapping her arms around her.

Nick: "I agree with Ash, I like her, also she tells me like everyday how she loves me, which is both flattering and creepy."He agreed.

Uni was busy drawing something, it looked like a cool comic of some sort, he looked up for a moment and gave a thumbs up of approval before looking back down at his work.

Ember: "...I'll take it." She said while raising her eyebrows.

Cory just shrugged. "I don't know, maybe I'd like you better if you'd brought my girlfriend with me." He growled.

Ember blinked. "Oh yeah, I forgot about her...maybe I'll bring her around in future, sorry about that." She said with an embarrassed grimace.

Dawn: "I think you're pretty kewl, too loud though." He admitted quietly.

Ember, under her breath." Well, What do you want me to do, talk like this all the time?" She whispered with annoyance.

Dawn: "...What?" He asked.

Ember: "Exactly." She hissed.

Tommy: "She totally shreds mah brotha." He stated simply. (Writing Tommy is so weird)

Ember: "I assume that's a good thing?" She said uncertainly.

Ember: "Well I think that's about enough time that we've had for today, thank you for the question LitzBlitz you basically made me write how much everyone likes me so thanks for the ego boost, and I'm sorry it took so long to come out, I got really lazy and was worried on how to write this, and I do know you had another question too but I think I've spent enough time on this and I'll probably just do it in the next chapter which I hope you're fine with. I think I've dragged this out long enough, so, if you liked this please consider favoriting it and please comment so we can give LitzBlitz a break, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

Ask and Dare thing, w/ the Newscapecrew Where stories live. Discover now