Chapter 5 - what happened (Swifts side)

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Swift's pov

I couldn't get my mind off of that Hamato Ninja...he looked like Mc...but cuter, funnier, caring, lovely, not to mention brave.... he's so full of life... he looks so adorable for a Hamato Ninja.... what happened?...have I fell in love with him?...if so...then our love is forbidden....our master wouldn't approve to our love for each other....we must hide it from the rest...and no one will know our love... I wrote a not to the Hamato Ninja as I heard Ghosts voice said, yo okay?...what's up with ya?... I said, nothing you wanna know... I walked away as I went to where that Hamato Ninja is...or was...I don't care... I pinned the note on the wall before heading out of the hole and waiting at the path of the other side of town... I thought to myself, could a Hamato Ninja like in love with a rebel-Ninja like me?...I'm not sure...we maybe different ninjas from two opposite sides of town...but would it matter if we weren't?...would it even matter if we are?...if so it okay if we are?...forbidden's a tragic but wonderful type of love...two opposites from two opposite sides of town...more or a rebel and him a Hamato....even both different were meant to be in love as one...I never do poems like this...but I know for a fact that this boy is really a wonderful teenage boy full of life....and well... then I see the Hamato Ninja...the one with orange hair and blue eyes.

TMNT Humans: love from the other side. MikeyxSwiftWhere stories live. Discover now