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15 more days left with hyunjin. i crossed out another box in my calendar and sighed. only 15 more days until i have to leave hyunjin.

"hey beautiful" hyunjin came up to me in class and took a seat. i smiled as he grabbed my hand and i knew he was going to tell me something.

"let's go to a pet cafe since we don't have any more classes! i really want to go to a cat cafe" he said with a huge smile on his face. i would miss this smile so much after i leave. i was going to miss him so much.

"yes, i would love to go to a cat cafe" i said as i mirrored his smile. i was a little bit allergic to cats but if hyunjin likes cats and wants to spend his time playing with cats i don't mind. i wanted to spend as much time with hyunjin as possible.

we walked hand in hand to the cat cafe near school. we laughed and joked the whole entire way and i loved it. with hyunjin i can be myself and he loved me for being myself. i felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have hyunjin. he's just so amazing and so precious, i'm not even sure what i did to deserve him.

"seorin, this kitty looks like you. she's small and she looks mysterious but she's actually so loving" he said as he picked up a black kitten with blue eyes. seeing hyunjin smile like that brought tears to my eyes. soon i would have to leave him.

"seorin? are you okay? why are you crying?" he said as he placed the kitten down and came to my side. for a second i forgot i was with hyunjin and released all the tears i've been holding back.

"oh well i'm allergic to cats so i suddenly got a really bad sneeze and you know. it didn't wanna come out so from forcing myself to try to sneeze it brought me to tears" i said as i laughed and wiped away my tears. my excuse was so bad but at least it made hyunjin laugh. his laugh was like music to my ears.

"you're so cute seorin! but don't do that. you could hurt yourself" he said as he took my hand and walked over to the ordering part of the cafe so we can order food and drinks.

"2 large strawberry açaís please! put extra strawberries in one of them. she likes her drinks sweet" he said as he smiled at the boy behind the register.

we went and sat down at the table near the window. it looked like it was going to rain. it looked beautiful and nice. the way the sky was going from blue to white to grey. the colors were mixed and formed a beautiful color.

suddenly hyunjins phone rang and he answered it "hello?" "i'm with seorin right now." "now??? mom..i can't i'm on a date" "fine fine. coming now let me just get my drink and go" "yes. see you in a bit. love you too" he hung up the phone and gave me a sad pout.

"i'm sorry babe. i have to go now"  he said as he walked up to the counter and grabbed our drinks. he placed mine in my hand and kissed me on my forehead and then left.

i took my drink and placed my head in my hands. i cried my eyes out. i had so many thoughts running through my head, it seemed unhealthy.

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