Breath of Life, Tears of Creation

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AUTHORS NOTE: OK soooo little update to all who will find out some way some how I took a hiatus because of my daughter and work...  I work 40 hours, 5 days a week.  I did take a break from high school but I just went back this fall.  two years I was out I would come back every now and then edit something or try and get through my writers block sadly I couldn't.  AAAANNNYYY WAAAAAYYYY not the point,  since im back in the school I'm taking two English classes as we speak TWO!  mother of gods they are trying to kill me with English which surprisingly is my worst and one of my most hated subject along with history but....  I'm going off track again..  Ok so since in in both of them I'm pretty much going back and forth from essay to short story creation. And such but I always put my all into creating my story's when I do so I thought I would put it up out here

So this short story was told for us to make while having the story the world on the turtles back we had to create a world creation myth of our own to explain how the world was made. 

Here was my assignment (if y'all really want to know the grade I got just let me know I'll put a little post on it


At the beginning Oshan(Oh-Shan) And Felisa (Feel-Lissa) Created Terra (Earth). Oshan Being the God of Sun and Stars, while Felisa was the Goddess of Fire and Rebirth. Upon Terra when it was created three new gods came into existence, Toughner (Tough-nerr) and Ismerelda (Iz-Mer-relda) and Zandria (Zand-drea)

The Planet was simple back then just consisting of the Sky in which Tougher ruled over, and The earth being the home for Ismerelda, and the underworld being Zandrias domain as well as her being the goddess of destruction. The three gods Constantly got into arguments from Zandria's foolishness as well as selfish behavior. Toughner and Ismerelda finally decided to cast Zandria down to where no other gods go the un-inhabited land, the underworld. After it was agreed upon they took time in creating the plan every step of the way making sure it was perfect.

Once it went into action Zandria fell for it. Quite literally, she fell into the entrance which was cleverly disguised
as part of the ground. As the goddess fell she shouted out a sentence that soon would be forgotten, "You will regret this, both of you." After those words Ismerelda closed up the entrance for good.

The two gods lived in harmony, there was balance between the two. Toughner's carefree personality, and free spirited nature calmed Ismerelda’s over emotional personality. while Ismerelada's real-life attitude combatted his flighty need to adventure and be free.

Ismerelda took great care of her part of the world as did Toughner. The only thing in the planet being her land and his air. As the years passed she grew depressed looking upon the land without any life and the air she breathed growing bad. She called out to Toughner, "weep for me brother bring water down to my ground. I know your air grows sick. Weep and I can bring forth something to benefit the both of us."

So Toughner began to weep, clouds grew and grew till they opened up and let down a light and gentle rain one that coaxed a new life out of the ground. Plants, Ismerelda decided to call them. Toughner got angry for a split second and lightning flashed
through the clouds, "How Is this supposed to be good for me? It looks like its only for your enjoyment!" Thunder echoed after his words. as his anger stewed so did the storm only becoming worse.

Ismerelda only looked about and smiled the deep rooted sadness gone. As she settled her view on one piece of land with a dip in the earth, a cavern, she saw water collecting there falling into the deeper parts. The earth having already soaked up as much water as it could and just was letting the liquid sit atop it. Having no where else to go the water stayed and the amount grew and grew creating a pond, soon a lake was made.

She looked back at the man throwing a tantrum, "Toughner do you not notice? Feel your air does it not feel like a gentle happiness ready to help but leaves just as easy, than when it was just moments ago a heavy annoyance that was sticky and stayed even when you tried to force it to go?" Toughner stopped looked at her with a glare but took a deep breath and closed his eyes. As he did this the storm calmed down soon came back to the gentle drizzle. He opened them all anger draining from his face, any fury he had melted. He wanted to hug his little sister for her smart ideas.

“By gods you’re right! How is that possible?” Ismerelda laughed and plucked some grass from the earth, roots and all. “If you had let me tell you before you threw a tantrum, they are like us. they are alive toughner, alive.” He looked confused at what she said not convinced that the plants were alive. “They use my earth for food, your rain was used for their thirst. They need Fathers sunlight to grow and Mothers heat to stay warm enough to thrive. In return they take all the bad air in and return it with good air. Don't you see? They are alive, they contribute to our world, our sanctuary.” after that little speech she made she could see he was processing her words letting them set in. “You mean we created life?” She nodded and with that he smiled, the drizzle stopped and the sun came back out. He fully took in the plant life looking around noticing some were underwater in deep pools, lakes even and soon saw that the grass didn't look the same as the ones on land, “won’t the grass under the water die?” Ismerelda looked at the grass. “No toughner, its made to be underwater. It would die on land as would the grass on land would die in water.” Toughner's smile widened and he gave a laugh grabbing Ismerelda and spinning her around.

The laugh causing a breeze to pick up blowing her hair around and the leaves of the big trees to rustle with enough force to have the delicate leaves blow in the wind. But as the leaves blew they turned into something else. Birds of different size and shape took the place of the leaves flying threw the air. As the breeze caused the trees to shake more, lots and lots of differently colored birds flew from the trees squawking with their new found voices. As they chose trees to land in some tittered out musical notes while others stayed silent.

They both look up into the giant tree that they were under when the hear some chitters and squeaks. Squirrels running amok, as if they had been there before time. Bunnies hopping out the tall grass that the wind had just blown through. As the wind caressed the top of the water, fish jumped out and back in all different types, all sorts of wildlife coming out of the woodworks. Making the quiet earth alight with a noise a new one, one full of life. The earth rumbled as it was trying to keep something in, something was trying to get out. They both new right away what it was, who it was. As the rumbling grew louder everything else got quiet what wildlife was in the area vanished, it almost seemed like everything became still. And soon a gateway to the underworld opened Zandria came out. Looking around with indifference she settled her ice cold gaze on the two other gods, a sinister smile worked its way onto her face.

“I see my siblings have been leaving me out of the fun, I guess I'll leave my gift and return back to the underworld,” with a swipe of her hand two people stood in the clearing besides the three gods. “ Don’t worry siblings there are more around not just these two. Do be careful, humans tend to be quite unpredictable.” As she said that with a sigh she was back in the doorway starting her descent into the underworld when she said over her shoulder, “don’t forget they are my creation after all. ”With that the door closed and she was gone. Soon the humans took over the world poisoning the air as well as the land. Endless killing and demolition of the precious land. But with destructions gift gave birth to new life, new ideas, ways of life. with bad comes good, one must balance the other. Soon the gods were forgotten to most, remembered by few.

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