Chapter 6 : The truth

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Merihan's pov :

"Wooow" said Mazen once I opened the door for him.

"I swear to God IF I hear another "Wooow" I'm gonna take who ever the hell said it heads off" I said between my teeth while letting him in and slammed the door after him.

"Okay since when exactly did you become a bitch ??" he asked laughing and I wanted to laugh too I really wanted to but I couldn't , Not with this hole inside of me I feel like laughing is forbidden for me right now you know .

"since I lost her" I simply answered Shrugging

"Ok first of all don't you dare Shrug infront of me 'cause you know how much I hate it when you Shrug,, second of all you didn't lose her ......." but of course I interrupted him I really don't what's with me and interrupting him but I guess that's what friends are for .

"what do you mean I didn't lose her she has been away for a week now and she don't answer ,,,,,,,"wow he interrupted me this time well he learn from the best .

"and last but not least the mail man gave me this" he said glaring at me and handed me a letter and when I looked at it's safe to say that my heart stopped for a second ,, It was from London.


"No what ??"

"I can't open It ,, you know what ?? why don't you open it for me ??" I said pushing his hand back .

"Ok I really don't know what would have done without me ??"

"just shut up and open It" I shouted

"ok ok" he nodded and opened the letter with literally no single emotion on his face.

"what??" I asked but he didn't answer .

"Mazen what the hell !!  you are freaking me out !!"

"I'm gonna miss you" he said smiling .

"wait what ?? does that mean that "

"yes she got accepted omg I'm so proud of you girls I feel like a proud Dad" he said hugging me and I swear I saw a tear running down his cheek.

"I don't know what I will do without you" I qoute him from earlier and he laughed oh God I'm gonna miss this laugh so much and since I'm leaving soon I need to tell him everything that I think about and that's exactly what I did .

"oh God I'm gonna miss this laugh ,, I'm gonna miss everything you do I just wanna make a video of you doing all your little things so that everytime I miss you I will just watch It or I can take you with me and hide you in my luggage" and his answer was a kiss on my cheek and a very long huge.

and after about ten minutes he let go of me and spoke "you should go get dressed and go tell her "

"you're right but I don't know where is she her friends keep telling me that she is fine but they won't tell me where is she "

"She is at Nancy's"

"what you knew and didn't tell me !!!"

"she called me everyday and asked me about you but at the end of the call she would make me swear that I'm not gonna tell you"

"but you're telling me now !!!"

"yeah, but this is different"

"ok I'll go change" but he grabbed my arm pulling me back to him .

" we only got a week or so until you leave so lets just not waste it with you being mad at me"I looked down thinking he is right who knows when will I ever see him again ?

"please !!"

"ok just let me get dressed" I said with a smal smile .

Infront of Nancys house :

"are you nervous??"

"sure as hell I am" I answered opening the door of the car but Mazen stoped me .

" what ?"

"there is a last thing I wanna tell you ,, ummmmm you Nooran didn't lie to you " he said quietly

"No Mazen she did lie to me she said that she sent me a text and she didn't send me anything and that's exactly what lying means"

"I thought that too but yesterday when I was talking to Mariam we both noticed something Nooran said to me that she sent you this text at 11:30 and at this time all of us were in the kitchen exept Nancy and when Mariam said stupid things and walked out of the kitchen she found Nancy holding your phone and she told Mariam some lame excuse but she didn't make a big deal of it so that means only one thing "

" is that bitch deleted the text Nooran sent me ! OMG she was always envious of me but this time she took it so far I'm gonna kill her "I said running out off the car and Mazen ran after me but I couldn't care less right now ,, I started ringing the bell and knocking the door and I was about to break It but then It open the door yes "IT" oh God I will be insulting pigs If I called her a pig ,, and It took me no time to slap her face .

"what the hell Merihan" Nooran and Nancy shouted at the same time .

"this bitch over here deleted the text you sent me " I said pointing at IT with anger .

"what ? what the hell are you talking about ??" Asked Nooran clearly confused just like I was a minute before .

"why don't you bitch explain it to her ??"

"Merihan enough !!" said Mazen Oh I forgat he was here " Nooran grap your things and we will explain everything for you in the car and you Nancy you're so lucky that you're a girl or I would have bitten the shit out of you" wooow that a surprise I didn't even know he can swear .

Nooran stod there for a minute trying to get what's happening and then she went to her room to grap her things .


sorry guys it's short but we are really busy this days so.... sorry for late update and for short update . we promise you that the next chapter will be more fun

please vote and comment anything you want to tell us . love you xxxx

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