1) Part 1 Walk Like an Egyptian

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Welcome everyone to The Village Goes on Tour in this book we have some new and returning competitors ready to prove themselves.In this one we have 17 contestants! The largest of Village history.

Khalil! "Yes! I'm ready to win this!"

Malik! "Ugh here we go again."

William! "I'm determined to win this time!"

Sam! "Dang! I'm so exited to go around the world!"

Robert! "Heck!"

Destiny! "..."

Aaron! "..."

Nehemiah! "Time to win this thing! I just wonder whose team I'm going to be on."

Kellen! "Well I hope it's yours buddy!"

And Shekinah! "I'm going to win this one! Or leave my head held high!"

And we have some new contestants!

Michelle! "I've never been here before but I'm so exited! Traveling. Whoo!"

Ricardo! "I'm not here to make friends. If I get eliminated it's all your fault" *puts in headphones*

Kyra! "Hey everyone! I hope that we all become friends or great rivals!"

David! "I'm just here because people dragged me along I don't know what this is."

Leslie! "I'm here to win! If you lose..well I don't care...but have fun though!"

Deborah! "Hey y'all! I'm coming for all of you and don't through shade!"

And finally..

Keith! "..."*looks at everyone*

The plane comes down and everyone gets in. Except for William who was skeptical about it.

William: "Um.. I'm concerned about the safety of this plane.."

But Kellen picked him up and put him in.

They all walked in and the host of this one is no other than Jordan from Book 1.

Jordan: "Hello everyone! Are you all ready to take off!?"

William: "No!"

Deborah: "Sure!"

Keith: "Not really.."

Ricardo: "Why are you doing this to us?"

Jordan: "Relax your fine...besides you all came here on your own free will.."

Everyone started to complain and what not, until Jordan spoke up.

Jordan: "So anyway..this is the Dining hall where you will enjoy all in flight complementary snacks!"

Aaron: "Not for long! Prepare to loose to the A-A ron!"

Sam: "Hey so not trying to be mean or anything but didn't you get voted off first the first time Aaron?"

Aaron: "Yeah but this time I'm stronger, faster, smarter.."

Jordan: "Chattier and whatever.."

Aaron: "Hey!"

Keith snickered along with David as Jordan continued on.

Jordan: "Now can you shut up! So I can continue on with the tour and get this bird flying!?"

Jordan signaled everyone over to a beaten down rugged messed up part of the plane.

Jordan: "Losing teams will spend time here in between destinations."

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