2) Super Happy Crazy Fun Time in Japan

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Kyra's arms were in the straps on the plane in the loser area. She was rocking back and forth about being on this plane.

Keith: "Stop freaking out. Plane is like, one of the safest ways to travel unless you're on a death trap."

Suddenly a wooden area where they were at began to come undone and then a gaping hole in the plane was visible and people started to get sucked in.


And everyone in the loser department began to scream and grab on to things so they won't fly out of the plane. Until Sam grabbed onto some wood that wasn't attached to anything and she went flying towards the hole.

Sam: "AHHHH-!"

Sam's wood blocked the hole a little bit and everyone stopped screaming.

Shekinah: "Phew.."

[Meanwhile in 1st Class]

Leslie: {My plan is to gain some people's trust so they can edge me along during voting and get me closer to winning.}

Leslie: "I happen to LIKE. Winning. And being in 1st class."

Leslie said drinking something.

Leslie: "Which makes me an ideal leader."

Robert: "If our team needed one which me don't because we're winning."

Leslie: "And I intend to keep it that way so think about me as leader."

David: {Who does she think she is?}

David: "There's other people on the team Leslie. There's other people to consider."

Suddenly on a speaker in the plane Jordan comes on and says "I need everyone to meet me in the dining hall and I mean everyone."

Everyone makes their way towards the dining hall.

Jordan: "Welcome to today's challenge! Todays-"

David: "Is it a reward challenge or elimination challenge?"

Jordan: "Good question! And....it's like I'll ever tell ya!"

Shekinah: "I could really use a reward."

Jordan: "Well anyway! I hope you all brought your monster repellant because we're about to land into Japan!"

Malik: "How are we going to land?"

Jordan: "I'm glad you asked Malik!"

Suddenly Barbara came out wearing a kimono and wielding a sword which she used to cut off a door off the plane.



Everyone flew out of the plane except for Jordan and Barbara.


William: "Our lives began to flash before our eyes!"

Aaron: "We might just get smushed and began chewy!!"

Khalil: "SHUSH!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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