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It's been 5 days and the deadly training continues on,...until today.

" Why do we still have to wake up early when the training is over?" Tsuna whined Reborn while walking to school to gather with the others. His body was sore, he really forced himself to push to his limits.

" Quit whining , Dame-Tsuna. You have to be prepared when Lupo comes " Reborn replied.

Tsuna yawned loudly. These day, because of the lack of sleep and the one hell of a training makes his eyes grew tired and he's been seeing stars.

He walked to the gate and saw Lunar, deep in thought.  He walked towards her. " Good morning , Lunar-san "

Lunar didnt respond at first but she saw him. " Buon Giorno " greeted Lunar .

Tsuna seemed puzzled at first because he don't know the meaning. How can he learn Italian when he's a Japanese?!

"Ciao " Reborn said back and said to Tsuna ," Buon Giorno means good morning. Guess I'll teach you Italian properly after all of these "

Tsuna sweat dropped.  Trust me, Reborn way of teaching is like learning from a demon.

" Lunar-san, where's the others?" he asked.

" No. It's only you today " Lunar replied.

" Eh?"

Suddenly, she hold up her left hand and a few silver daggers appeared on each of the gap of her fingers .

" Here, aim and throw this at me without using your Hyper mood" Lunar said while handing him the daggers .

Tsuna took the daggers. It felt cold on his fingertips. "Wouldn't you get hurt? Not that I will hit you " he said .

" I can dodge it. And if u did hit me, I can heal quickly" she answered.  "Okay, let's start" she continued. 

Tsuna took his deep breath and aim it, but his eyes vision was blurry from the lack of sleep. He threw it as hard as he could. But as expected,  it didnt get anywhere close to Lunar. 

Tsuna threw it again with his eyes open . It's still the same.

" Close your eyes. Trust your intuition " Lunar spoke up. 

Tsuna did as she said. He hold up his dagger and slowly he swung it to the direction that his intuition told him.

He opened his eyes. He saw Lunar grabbing the hander of the dagger.

" Good job " Lunar complimented him . " Now try it again while opening your eyes " she told him.

"O-okay " he stuttered , still shock that it hit in the direction of Lunar.

He now slowly hold up his third dagger, trusting his intuition,  he threw the dagger.

It nearly hit her but she blocked it with another dagger which she manifested earlier without Tsuna knowing. 

She charged towards him with such speed... she swung her dagger at him which he barely dodge.

"Attack!!! Imagine this is a real battle and you can't use your Hyper mood at all!!!"Lunar shouted at him.

Tsuna, with his shaking hand , threw the dagger at Lunar.
Lunar obviously dodged it easily and kneel Tsuna down like the way Lupo did.

Tsuna holding the last dagger that Lunar gave him. He concentrated and the dagger suddenly emerged in a sky flame.

He swung it at Lunar which was in front of him. Lunar encountered it with her night flame dagger .

A sky flame versus a night flame dagger.

Lumar smirked at Tsuna and stepped back. " Well done, you're ready "

"Eh? "

" You used your intuition and focus your sky flame on the dagger , which is good " she said.

" ah. What about the others? " Tsuna asked while worrying about his guardian. 

" They each have their training , don't worry. They will be ready when the time comes "

" I hope so... Lunar-san. Why are you helping us? According to your story, this doesn't involve you " Tsuna asked curiously.

" I told you before . Help will always offer to those who deserves it. Besides, this involve me" 

" Eh? Why?"

But Lunar just shrugged and said," Rest, there's no training tomorrow. But if you want to jog like Sasagawa Ryouhei, you can "

"HIEEE. Sorry,  I rather not..."Tsuna mumbled.

" Okay . Ciao ciao"she said while walking off.

Reborn suddenly spoke up, " If you're finished, then let's go home, Dame-Tsuna"

" Hieee!!! Reborn!!! Where were you just now?"

"Sleeping , dreaming,  napping " Reborn calmly replied.

" Hai hai " Tsuna mumbled . While he was training so hard, his tutor was sleeping.  What a great tutor.

Tsuna went home tiredly with a feel fresh Reborn.

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