14- As usual

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Tsuna P.O.V

I went to school as usual. And Reborn suddenly popped out as usual. 

" Dame-Tsuna, what do you think of his story" Reborn asked.

" Eh? " Now that I think about it, it seemed off. 

" So you noticed too" Reborn said while reading my mind.

" REBORN!!! Don't read my mind! " 

" Ciao ciao " Reborn said and disapeared. 

' Don't tell me that Reborn has a skill that can disappear?' Tsuna thought.

" 10th!!!!!!" 

I heard Gokudera-kun yelled . I turned around and saw him with Yamamoto laughing as usual. 

We went to class . But Lunar wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere in school. ' Don't tell me that the boss of guradian of night captured her?' I thought. 

I started to feel worried . I felt there the others too . But they seemed to hide it well. 

Suddenly, I heard girls squealing. Eh? Why? It's no where near Yamamoto-kun or Gokudera-kun . I followed the sound . And the one standing there was Lupo. He was wearing casually and he seemed worried.

I approuched him . " Why are you here? Anything happened to Lunar?!!! " I asked.

" I'm not sure, but I know where she is " Lupo replied. 

" Why do you know that?" Reborn appeared behind Lupo and asked. 

" I don't know why but the boss sent me a message through my mind , saying that he has Lunar and sent me the location . " 

" It's obviously a trap!!! 10th, you musn't trust him!!! He's lying " Gokudera stand beside me and said.

I looked carefully at Lupo. There's concern and determination in his eyes. He didn't look like he's lying. 

" It doesn't matter whether i'm lying or not. But he got Lunar. What will you do, vongola 10th ?" Lupo asked me and was looking at me with those captivating eyes of his. It's kinda reminds me of Lunar.

" We will go save her. So, guys, please help me ! " I said . 

I was returned with " You bet, Tsuna" " Of course! 10th " .

" Herbioves , I will go too ...to bite that whoever to death " Hibari approuched us. 

" OH!!!! LET'S FIGHT TO THE EXTREME!!!!" Shouted Ryouhei beside Hibari .

" If it involves Lunar-san, I will help too... " said Enma with all his guardians beside him. 

' Everyone ... ' There's gratefulness rising deep in me. 

" Lupo-san, can you take us there?" I asked Lupo.

" Ya, I can short wrap you there " 

" Eh? You can short wrap ? I thought only Bermuda could do it " said  Yamamoto. 

" No, I can too, but it takes a lot of my flames . Come on , let's go to a place where no one else will be. If we just disappear here with everyone looking, it will be weird " said Lupo.

We went behind the school building where normal students won't usually go to . 

" Link your arms together and we're off" Lupo said. 

And with that, we're gone ... 

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