18- Fight for what?

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Tsuna's P.O.V

"I will save you even if it means going through you" I said.

"10th!!! Let me assist you " Gokudera yelled.

"No. Stay back. I will handle this " I said in my hyper mood.

At that time,  Lunar already manifested two swords. She's holding it with her both hands. Flames were already surrounding her swords.

And I, learning from her, raised up my gloves and concentrated all my flames into gloves.

She approached me slowly, appearing calm. And I followed suit. Reborn 'teaches' me to always watch the enemies movement first until they attacked.

Lunar seemed to know what I'm doing.  She charged towards me with an amazing speed. I hold up my arms to block all of her attacks.

My intuition told me that she saw a lot of openings but she didn't stabbed me with her sword, instead she kicked me in the stomach and I fall down.

Wanting to stand up again, but she kicked me again. I could hear my friends shouting at me, telling me not to give up but to stand up again.

I stand up again, bearing for the incoming pain. But it never came.  I looked at Lunar. She just stopped attacking.

" Why are you trying so hard, Tsuna?" she asked.

I was shocked at first.  But I recovered and answered, " cause you're my friend "

"Friends? You dare call me your friend?  Tsuna, you barely know me.  You have no idea what I had done in the past. I am bad now, but I was worse." she said in a angry but sad tone.

" It doesn't matter what we did in the past, it matters what we do now" I said firmly.

" What I had done cannot be reversed. My past will haunt me down for eternity.  And this is my curse "

" Lunar, don't be so hard on yourself. Everybody makes mistakes, right.  The only way to repent for it is to live with those memories that haunt you down. Don't forget the past, because it's part of you yourself. But to fight for it, fight for your loved ones "

" Tsuna, what do you fight for?"

"I fight for my friends.  And Lunar,  you're one of them" I said confidently.

" Neh, Tsuna, you're strong. Not in muscle,  but in heart" Lunar replied in a sad expression.


Author's note

Sorry if it's late and short. Laptop problem. But I promised that I will update it every Wed. So this is it. Enjoy!

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