Chapter 45: Once Your Own Person

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Bonnie's P.O.V

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" "Huh?" I responded turning to Foxy. "What's the matter? You were playing your guitar then you stopped suddenly to look at the kitchen," said Foxy. Someone walked in, though I don't know who," I responded. "It's probably Chica," he said laying back in his chair at the table he was sitting at. "I don't know," I said looking back at the door. "C'mon, it's just someone opening a door, what harm can that cause?" he asked. "Well not knowing who went inside," I responded. "I think your just stretching your concern a little too much," he said. "Golden Freddy always told me to be aware of my surroundings, and that's what I'm doing," I said. "I guess that's fair," he responded. "Squeakems," said Carl. "It's odd we haven't seen any signs of Shadow Bonnie, it's almost five," I said looking at the clock. "He'll show up, though it maybe be closer than what we're expecting," said Foxy. All of a sudden I could hear some noises coming from the kitchen, including the sound of a plate shatter on the ground. I quickly got up and ran over there while I opened the doors. As soon as I did I could see someone holding Chica as they turned around. Only I facing myself. "At last, something has drawn you in." Instantly I recognized that voice as Shadow Bonnie, and to see him look like me showed he was going to greater lengths to be me. "So now I see you like dressing up as me," I said. "In a way yes. But this is a taste of what my life will be like again, and you'll won't be there to experience it. You'll be apart of it," he said. He slightly shifted his head to look at Chica, giving her a menacing look. "Even she will be to." Let go of me!" she pleaded trying to loosen Shadow Bonnie's grip around her wrist. "Oh in time I will," he said to her as he turned to face me. "I believe explaining the case of my fate is long overdue." "The only thing that's over due is your fate," I said. "Oh but your mistaken. You can relive fate, but it'll never be the same like it was the first time you witnessed it," he responded. "And I know you're eager to what happened to me." I wanted to say something in retaliation, but he did have a point. It was a question I had in my head during the time this event had taken place during this week. "Like I said, we're the same," he said. "And you'll know why we were given the same life."

Shadow's Bonnie's P.O.V

There is always a time, a time where one root creates several to extend it's work and doing.  To pass on what it learned. And I am that first root. Before everything there was me, Springbonnie, and Fredbear, the original animatronics present at 'Fredbear's Family Diner.' A sanctuary for kids to have a purpose, to have fun. Even as adults they have other factors to give them fun, but something like that restaurant was their introduction into fun. I can still remember the children, how happy they were to be there. Even the parents felt like they were walking through the doors of a bright future. Every light can last for so long until it becomes dark, dark as the shadows that consumed me and Fredbear. This place was Purple Guy's source of fun. An incident occurred where a child was killed, and that was this entertainment entering into hell, while he took one single step into our own shadows. That child did still live on to be the protector of this place. Puppet. The child's soul became one with the Puppet prototype that was wasn't completed at that time. But even that one mistake didn't stop the company, it sadly prolonged their fate. About a month after the first incident happened, another came to continue it's impact on us. 

"Hey Fredbear! You ready?" I called to him on the stage. "Yeah! Hold up!" he said behind the closed curtains. "Hurry up! The show is about to start soon!" I called back to him. I looked anxiously at the clock while looking at the front doors as well. The company would soon open the doors for today, and the kids would soon arrive as well. Not only that I wanted to make sure the security guard wouldn't see us. "Alright! How do I look?" he asked coming from the other side of the stage by lifting up the curtain. "The same as usual," I responded sharing my opinion. "I hate it how the only slight changes I can make is fixing my bowtie and hat," said Fredbear adjusting his hat. As he was doing that I could hear the sound of the night guard walking down one of the halls. Who else would be here during that time? "Quick! Get into positions!" I hissed at him as we scrambled to our spots. As soon as we did the night guard appeared from the hallway. From what the information I gathered his name was Vincent Johnson, though that was the only thing we know about him. One thing I can note about him is that he knows how to deal with us during his night shift. He knows every way and outcome in order to counter is, which is pretty skillful I'll admit. But it's a hassle knowing your opponent can predict your every move. It's just that he's questionable at his duty. For his first week he knew who to deal with us, considering the company offered the night shift only a month ago. Not only that but he seems to be peculiar. His behavior, motions, posture, and gesture just point to him being abnormal. There's something about him that makes me believe he's a criminal, but it isn't easy to say it to the manager. Especially when you're an animatronic that nobody knows your alive. As he walked by us I observed his movements. He had the usual expression and movements that were in his nature, but it wasn't that which seemed to catch my attention. As he walked by he was looking around him and behind as he drew closer to the front entrance. "Hey! Don't look alive yet!" hissed Fredbear at me while nudging me. "Sorry. I just have that usual feeling about Vincent," I said back softy. "Good or bad?" he asked. "Bad. Something worse he's withholding from everyone around him," I responded. A moment later I could hear the sound of people talking as the few amount of earlier birds were coming in. It wouldn't be long until the larger crowd would be apart of this small group. As the hours went on, the more people we attracted to the pizzeria. It wasn't until long our very own long hours would consume us, yet we endured it. Me and Fredbear were used to this, and thank god the kids weren't too rough. With Vincent as the day guard, he still did his job to observe the kids. But every time I would glance over at him, he would always be doing the same thing. He would watch the kids with a smile but noticeable grin, and not the friendly pleasant on. And the thought that he had something for them sickened me, and yet nothing happened. After about a couple hours of performing the owner William Afton, got on stage with his mic. "Alright kids! Fredbear and Springbonnie will need to take a break, but they will return when they are polished up for their next performance!" he said on the mic. A moment later they closed the curtains, as that separated our view from the children and parents. But not from Vincent. "Vincent, make sure you have their designated songs ready," said William. "Sure thing," he responded. William walked to the door that was a exit from the back stage as Vincent watched him walk out, then he looked at us. His gaze just seemed to tempt me into looking back at him and it was hard to resist. Even when he did the same to Fredbear, I could make out a moment where Fredbear would rather react as well. "I know how much both of you would rather have the pleasure on ending me right now," he said. "The temptation is worthwhile, so do it." I could tell Fredbear was ready to kill him as I slowly shook my head at him. Thankfully he got the message and Vincent didn't notice. "Hmm. One day your existence will be the end of you both," he said opening our back panels as he check. "And I'll be there relaxing at my statement." About a minute later we closed our back panels as we walked away. As soon as the door for the exit closed me and Fredbear looked at each other ditching our false actions that hid our existence. "This is why I don't like him," I said. "I can see why. I just wanted to kill him right there if I could," responded Fredbear. "I know. But we must stay true to our code. We can't reveal our existence or else this place will be shut down, along side with us," I said. "What I don't understand is why he hasn't chose to report our existence to William or even the police," he said. "That is a fair point. He is the only one that knows we have life in us, but if he did in fact contact the authorities, surely we would've been investigated by now," I guessed. "Unless he's obligated to keep it himself." "If he did try telling William or the police, they probably would think he's crazy," said Fredbear. "Possibly. Whatever the case might be, I feel like he's using that information for his own intentions. Whatever they may be," I said. "And now returning from their break is the golden ones! Fredbear and Springbonnie!" announced William from behind the curtains. As there was a loud applause that bounced off the entire room and through our ears, I grabbed my guitar as Fredbear grabbed his mic. "Well, at least entertaining children satisfies our purpose for the day," I said. "It's what we were made for," said Fredbear looking at me. As the curtains slowly started coming up Fredbear turned forward to insure nobody would knew he was acting unorthodox. As soon as the curtains fully opened I noticed right away Vincent wasn't beside the stage. I shifted my eyes a little but not much to spot him, but he was nowhere from the limited angles I was offered. However it was possible to spot him if I shifted my head, that's if I didn't do it too often. From Fredbear's side to the right I noticed a group of kids were holding and carrying a little kid that was crying. I felt bad for him, mainly because it was not right, but also because the parents weren't paying attention to these group of kids. And there was no sign of Vincent or William, in which they were tasked with supervising the area itself. Another thing I noticed about these groups of kids was that they in a group of four and had masks on. They were the heads of some of the animatronics that weren't in production. They were only made right now to be eligible for merchandise and advertisement, nothing too valuable. There was a brown bear, a blue bunny, a yellow chicken, and a red fox; a least they were innovative. And then there was the crying child who was helpless to defend himself. And then came the bite. "Hey, I think he still wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!" said one of the kids in the group. 'Oh no,' I thought. "On three! One. Two. Three!" And then it happened, so sudden but violent. They threw the kids into Fredbear's mouth as he squirmed in pain in it, as the group of boy laughed at it as a simple joke. Until the joke became a harm, and a cost. There was a sudden crunch as Fredbear's mouth closed on the kids head, with blood spilling from the wound. I stood watching in horror while the group of kids did the same; even they realized what they had caused. Some parents and kids started screaming as they ran out of the room while another day guard and William came to the scene. "You kids! Get out over here!" yelled William. "Call the police, now!" I turned slowly to the side to see Vincent on the other side of the rooming coming towards William. "What happened?" he asked as he drew closer. "These damn kids stuffed a child into Fredbear's mouth, but there's no explanation on why his mouth would've malfunctioned," said William. "I think we'll be shut down." As soon as he said this Vincent turned to face me as he let a wide smile out. And I just had to let out an expression of anger to show my hatred towards him.

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