So you go to school with daniel before he tansfers. You are his only friend.
~See I did change some things the story is almost the same, but I did change some things abd added my own things. But hope you enjoy!"😁
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Y/n L/n Jobs- Musician, Photographer, Designer, Model
Rules of life- #1; Don't fight unless it's to defend yourself #2; Doesn't matter what you look like you are still a person and should be treated with respect #3; Even Famous people are normal like others
Quote- Just cause they look different doesn't mean you should treat them differently there still a human being.
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Tamotsu Job- your bodyguard
Rules of life #1; Tease y/n whenever she is around #2; If someone tries to touch y/n kill them. #3; don't listen to any of Y/n rules #4; make every guy jealous of Y/n and me