Chapter 1

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Above is what your wearing.

Y/n pov~
I was walking into school with every guy looking at me I bet there thinking nasty stuff. I walked into class to see logan lee saying something with daniel in front of him "Gum Gum...... Pistol!" Then he punches daniel in the gut. He falls to the ground. I run over to daniel.
"Daniel Are you ok?!" I put a hand on his shoulder.

"C-Can't b-breath" I get up.

"Logan Lee stop bulling daniel! You are a big bully!" I yell at him.

"Oh come on y/n its fun to watch ain't it?" He puts an arm around me where I can't move.
"No he is my friend and I don't like to see him being bullied! Also, get away you stink of cigarettes guys geeze stop smoking you old hags!" I yell at the guys. I push them out of the way and head over to Daniel.
"Hey, Logan can I borrow Pikachu for once."
"Huh why?" Logan asks him.
"No Daniel is not a Pikachu!! Stop treating him so badly!" They are ignoring me.
"Today is my 100th day anniversary with Hyeji."

After school

"Hey, Daniel wants to walk home together?" I tilt my head.
"S-Sure y/n!" He stutters
"Daniel doesn't stutter around me it's not really polite." He nods.

Next day

I head to school when I hear the teachers talk about Daniel.

"I heard That Daniel Park is moving." When I hear that I bust into the teacher Lounge.
"Where is Daniel Moving to?!" I yell at the teachers.
" I think he said he was going to Jae Won High School." the teacher scratches the back of his neck.
"Teacher I am changing schools to Jae Won High School," I repeat. walking out of the room. As I leave I call my mother and tell her I'm going to a new school.
I head home and start to pack. Oh did aI mention that I am A photographer, Designer, Musician, and a Model, so hopefully no one recognizes me?

Next Day

I get in the car's backseat "Madam do you want to go to the school or your new apartment?" Asks the driver.
"I'll go to school and you can bring my stuff to the house and don't forget After school I have to get straight to work, so pick me up straight away please?" I ask him.
"Yes, Madam I will. What time do you want Dinner from now on?" He looks threw the mirror.
"I'll have Dinner at nine sharp please," I say that when we reach the school.
"Let hope Daniel actually goes here."
I hop out of the car and guys have hearts in their eyes. The girls are yelling "Oh my god. Its Y/n L/n!! The youngest person to ever start her Careers not only that, but she has more than 4 Companies in every country!" I hear them say. I just plug in my headphones and start walking while listening to a song I have working on. 

I walk to the principal's office to get my schedule.
"So you are in the Fashion Department Don't Cause Trouble on your first day Ms.l/n." The Principal says giving me my schedule "oh and your uniform is here. Please change into ut before heading to class." I walk out of the room with my Uniform. 
"I guess I'll change in the bathroom. Good thing we have lockers." I head to the bathroom. I go into a stall and lock the door and began to change. I head out of the stall after changing and I look in the mirror.
"This Uniform makes my butt look big I'm changing!" I yell and head back into the stall to change again. After I get out I smile "much better!" I head to class while throwing away my uniform. Everyone is staring at me I don't like it! I finally get to my class. As the teacher announces there is two transfer. Daniel must be here!" Then The other Transfer and I walk into the class. Everyone has there mouth open. "IT Y/N L/N IN THE FLESH!" Someone yelled.
"Ok settle down kids. Introduce your self please." The teacher looks at the tall kid next to me.
"H-Hello I am Daniel Park. Nice to meet you." He sits next to a guy who looks like a boxer.
Now it's my turn to introduce. "Hello, I'm Y/n L/n. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we all can be friends!" I do a closed eye smile.
I sit down In the very front row Next to the window. After that, a girl named Zoe Started flirting with Daniel and The guy next to him got annoyed and started calling her a bitch. "Shut the Hell up Don't call people a bitch it's rude and Unnecessary." I stare daggers at him. He looks at me madly.
"Are you trying to start a fight Newbie?" He cracks his knuckles.
"No sorry I don't fight people, Boxer."
He looks at me angrily "so bubbye" I look out the window. The lunch bell rings. I get up to head to the door when that Zoe girl gets in front of me.
"Um Thank you. Zach is always a jerk. I hope we can be friends L/n. My name is Zoe." She looks at me happily.
"Yeah hope we can be friends. And call me y/n. Well, I'm going to eat bye Zoe!"
I head to the lunchroom and get in line. After that, I sit down by a window and eat my lunch. Then I see Daniel walk over to me. "Is this seat taken?" He asks. I shake my head. We start to eat well he does when three guys from our class come over.
" We need to talk after lunch." They look at Daniel. They walk away.
"Hey, Daniel did you lose weight or did something happen?" I lift an eyebrow. He looks at me surprised.
"What are you talking about? Nothing happened I never knew you before this school."
"How dare you say that to your only friend?" I pretend to be shocked.
"I-I'm sorry y/n I'll tell you all about it some other time. The end of the lunch bell.
"Well go meet them guys outside, but say no to whatever they ask you." I walk back to class. I sit down in my seat and a girl walks over to me.
"H-Hello i-it's n-nice t-to m-meet y-you. I-I'm M-Mira K-Kim. I-I h-hope w-we c-can b-be f-friends. I-I a-am a b-big f-fan." She stutters a lot.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Kim. I hope we can be friends too, but don't stutter it's not nice." I smile at her.
"Oh I'm sorry, but please call me Mira. Well bye!" She smiles back. I nod and wave her goodbye.
Class started and Daniel fell asleep. Zoe walks over to him and he yells "Fuck!" She looks so scared.
"Day get over with fast."
Guys from class start walking over to me. "Hey, we are going to go get drinks to want to come?" They ask nervously.
"Sorry I don't drink." The bell for school to end finally ring. I head outside and call my butler.
"Ms.L/n I'm right outside the school gates waiting."
"Ok see you in a sec." I hang up. I head outside to see people staring at my limousine.
"Ms.L/n." Is all he says then opens the door. I hop in.
"Thank you." I nod my head.
"My pleasure." Then we drive off.
"Ms. First you have to go to a meeting-" I stop him.
"Today is my day off I need to go to the store." He stops the car "I'm going on a run." I start running when I see Boxer.
"Hey, Boxer! How are you?" I smile at him.
"Go the fuck away." He gets mad and I just stand there a breeze blows threw. I hug myself.
"Why are you mean? I'm just trying to have a conversation with you." I shiver more "Aren't you cold? It's freezing." I start to cough "but I'm not leaving until we have a decent conversation!"
"Go away. I'm waiting on friends now go away." He snorts at me.
"No first tell me what is your real name boxer?" I look at him curiously. Then something warm lands on my head.
"My name is Zack Lee. Now put the jacket on and go before you catch a cold." I take the hood off my head to see him having a stern face on.
"T-Thanks Zack Lee," I mumble his name and start running in the direction of my house. I get to my house and unlock the door. I head sn take a shower and change into a pair of pajamas. look like this

And over it, I put on his hoodie and fall right asleep.

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