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"Good Morning!" Y/N's voice chirped sweetly

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"Good Morning!" Y/N's voice chirped sweetly.

Jungkook lay on his bed still half asleep listening to her soothing voice.

"I don't know what time it is where you are or if you're even awake yet," she laughed, "It's about 7am here in Korea right now. That's where I'm from. Seoul, South Korea."

Hearing that she too was from Korea made Jungkook smile. That meant it would be easier for the two to meet, since Busan wasn't that far from Seoul.

"I don't know if you're awake yet but I'll keep talking in case you are." she said.

Jungkook could practically see her smiling just hearing her say that. The statement caused his face to break out into a large grin, unable to hold it back.

"Did you eat yet? You should go eat something if you haven't yet. Go and eat something delicious, uh.." she stopped, silence taking over.

Jungkooks brow creases in confusion, not knowing what had happened.

"I just realised," Y/N continued, "I don't know your name yet."

Jungkook laughed,figuring out that she had stopped because she didn't know what to call him.

"Since you can't tell me your name yet I'll just give you one."

Y/N looked around her room trying to get inspiration for a temporary name.

Jungkook smiled, patiently waiting for Y/N to give him a new nickname.

Y/N's eyes shone as a they landed on a stuffed bunny she had won on a carnival trip with her friends. It felt perfect so she went with it.

"I've got it!" she stated excitedly.

"I'm going to call you BunBun for now, like a little bunny!" she giggled.

Jungkook smiled at the new nickname. Usually he would gravitate away from cute things like the nickname, but he liked it coming from Y/N.

"So little BunBun," they both grinned at the use of the name, "I hope you like your new nickname."

"If not you'll have to hurry up and turn eighteen so you can tell me your actual name."


Hi humans~

I'm sorry updates are taking so long, I feel like I should be putting chapters out faster because this is a short story

I'm going to be trying to put out chapters faster for you lol

Thank so much for taking the time to read this story 💙

Thank so much for taking the time to read this story 💙

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