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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

"Hey Jungkook, so you know how some of my family moved to Seoul? We're gonna be visiting them soon, I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us." Jimin's voice rambled out, full of excitement.


Where Y/N lived.

I jumped up at the realisation that I'd finally get to see Y/N in person. Was this even real?

"Wait, Jimin are you serious?" I questioned hopefully.

"Yip." he laughed, "We're gonna leave at the end of this month and come back at the end of January. Are you down?"

"Hell yes! You know my parents will be cool with me going if it's you."

"Perfect. Be ready to leave for Seoul on the 27th."

I fell backwards onto my bed with a grin on my face, unable to hide my excitement. 

"This is so perfect holy heck! The stars are watching over me Jimin!"

"Its just Seoul dude calm down." Jimin laughed at my excitement.

"Yeah but it's whats in Seoul that has me excited." I said still grinning.

"And what might that be?" Jimin questioned curiously.

"Sorry I gotta go." I laughed, wanting to tell Jimin about Y/N in person, "Lets meet at the studio. I have something to tell you."

"Jungkook wai-"

"Bye Chimchim~" I said as I hung up the phone.

I stood up and started heading for the nearby dance studio Jimin and I practice in, trying to hold in my excitement.

This was exactly what Y/N and I had been hoping for. We'd finally be able to meet in person. It's like some kind of miracle.

Jimin said we leave for Seoul on the 27th, that's in 3 days. I should let Mom and Dad know when I get back home and then start packing.

I should see if Y/N is free on the 28th, by then Jimin's family and I will be settled and Y/N and I can meet.

I should ask her where we should meet too. She's from Seoul so she'll know where the best places are.

Walking through the door of the studio I saw Jimin seated on the couch that was pushed up against the back wall. Just as I spotted him I got an idea.

"Jimin, I should surprise her!" I shouted out excitedly

"What? Surprise who? The heck are you talking about Kook?" Jimin questioned confused.

"A while ago my soulmate and I started talking. She turned eighteen first, but after my birthday we've been talking all the time. We haven't met yet because she lives in Seoul." I explained.

"Is this why you're so excited to come to Seoul with my family and I?" Jimin laughed.

"Yip." I grinned, "I want to surprise her, but I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do it just yet."

"Well you know her name and what she looks like right? Find her SNS and contact one of her friends, then ask them for help."

"Jimin you're a genius oh my god!"

After a bit of searching Jimin and I found one of Y/N's friends named Yeonju. We contacted her and after finally convincing her I really was Y/N's soulmate, we made plans with her to get Y/N to Namsan Tower on the 28th.

Yeonju suggested it, saying that Y/N has always wanted to go, especially with her soulmate because its' a popular date location.

Yeonju agreed to get Y/N there by pretending to be taking her to see the view for the first time. Once they get there Yeonju is going to disappear and then I'm going to surprise her while she's waiting for Yeonju to come back.

The plan is all set, all I have to do now is keep it a secret. That can't be that hard.



Hi loves~

Honestly I should be studying right now lol but i wanted to get this out for you guys

Connection is coming to an end soon, there's only one more chapter left

It's already all planned out I just have to find some time to write it for you lovelies

My next few exams will be really easy so I'll have time to write since I won't need to study too much

I hope you look forward to it and that you've enjoyed this short story so far~

I hope you look forward to it and that you've enjoyed this short story so far~

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