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"Hi, Y/N" Jungkook hesitantly murmured

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"Hi, Y/N" Jungkook hesitantly murmured. "It's your soulmate."

Y/N, thinking he disliked her, shot up from her bed in surprise.

"You're actually talking to me? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me." Y/N questioned, confused.

"No!" Jungkook said abruptly, not wanted her to get the wrong idea. "I only just turned eighteen, I couldn't say anything until now no matter how much I wanted to."

"I thought you hated my guts and thought I was annoying..."

"I would never think that Y/N. Is that why you slowly stopped talking to me?"


"I missed it a lot. Especially when you would sing to me. I missed that the most."

"What really?"

"Yeah, it was my favourite thing. When you sang it was like you were beside me."

"You felt that too! Like our souls were getting closer every time."

"Yes, exactly like that! I missed it so much."

"Me too."

The two sat silently, enjoying the feeling of each other's company. They knew the other was miles away, but it was as if they were right beside each other whispering every word they spoke for only one another.

"Hey BunBun" Y/N said softly, "You still have to tell me your name."

"You're right," Jungkook laughed, "You can keep calling me BunBun if you want, but my name is Jungkook."

"Jungkook." Y/N whispered carefully, as if she could break it if she said it too loud.

"Yip," he chuckled at her antics, "That's me."

"I don't know you that well yet Jungkook, but I already like you."

"Well from all the one sided chats you've had with me I know you really well. And I really like you."

Y/N flushed, suddenly shy.

"I haven't said this yet," Jungkook added, "But you seem so intelligent, you're humour is great, I love what I've seen of your personality and you're absolutely gorgeous too. No one has any business being that perfect, but here you are doing just that."

"I-" Y/N stammered, flustered beyond belief, "How do I reply to that?"

"You say thank you." Jungkook said chuckling at her awkward behavior.

Y/N remained quiet before squeaking out a quiet thank you as Jungkook laughed.

"You're adorable." he said smiling.

"Um, so what do you look like Mister Jungkook?" Y/N asked wanted to change the subject.

"Oh yeah, I haven't shown you yet." he realised, "This is me."

Y/N's head was filled with the image of a boy with dark brown hair falling just short of his gorgeous dark eyes. Everything about him was gorgeous. He was perfect, way too perfect for her.

"Wow." she breathed.

"Wow, indeed." Jungkook whispered, thinking of her.


Hi love~

Thanks sm for sticking with me through this book ^^

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, my exams start really soon so I've been busy preparing

This story is really close to ending so I'll try and update really soon

This story is really close to ending so I'll try and update really soon

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