Chapter Three~Noah pt.1

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Noah's POV:

"Ugh."I groaned as I got up from a bed,clutching my head in pain.I shifted my legs to the side of the bed and made a failed attempt to get up.I was suffering from such a bad headache.

As I tried collecting myself,trying hard to ignore the pounding pain in the side of my head.I heard the clinking of a spoon and I lifted my head slightly and saw Doc.

I was in my room?And she was just casually stirring coffee?I guessed by the potent smell of coffee in the air.She then looked at me,her blue eyes widened.

"Oh,you're finally awake.You suffered a nasty cut to the head but don't worry,I cleaned it up for you.It should be gone in a day or two."She said to me,handing me the cup of coffee."Here,in case you're feeling woozy.I mixed some antibiotics in it so that the pain from your wound subsides."I thank her and took a sip of the smooth coffee.

"Ahh."I said as I quenched my thirst,my throat and lips still felt dry but other than that it was okay."Feeling better?"asked Doc,her british accent was comforting and warm.I just nodded my head.

"Thats good cause I will need you to be back in shape as quick as possible."She said."Why?"I asked."The excursion is not till weeks from now?"

"I know that."Doc said,rolling her eyes."However,there are a selected few who will be contributing in a very important mission two days from now and you're one of them."I just sat there,curiosty on my mind.

I asked,"And whats that?"Doc looked at me and said,"Now thats for tomorrow."She smiled."Rest now,its late,the team has already finished setting up.Please report at the laboratory at 8.00am and do be punctual,knowing how your always late."I grinned and replied with,"Noted."

The next day, I woke up in bed and looked at my wristband.It was 7.50am.I jumped out of my bed and rushed to grab some clothes.I ran to the lab whilist still wearing my shirt.It was 8.00am.I was exactly on time.

I was the probably the last to arrive as I spotted Mae and Aleah already sitted down.Doc spotted me and said,"Glad to see that you made it on time though it could have been more punctual."As she said that Mae and Aleah both turned their heads to face me.Mae was frantically gesturing for me to sit next to her while Aleah just waved and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked to sit between Mae and Aleah.That crazy girl.She can be strict,cold,scary and even sociopathic sometimes but she really is just a ball of immature sunshine.

Mae shot me a perverted grin,eyes shifting from Aleah to me.I rolled my eyes at her,saying,"Nope no nada,never going to happen."Mae gave a sigh and said,"Too bad then."I then felt an elbow jabbed into my side.It was Aleah.

She nodded to Doc.And I turned my body to face Doc, she was just standing still, staring at Mae and I.Awkward silence soon filled the air and I hear a soft giggle come from Aleah.

Doc finally broke the silence when she said,"You two done?"We just nodded our heads."Very good then."She remarked."Now, I've gathered you three here today because I have something important to tell you."We listened attentively.

"As you already know,the mission starts tomorrow,but what you don't know is that its not gonna be just a one day mission.Its gonna be a few months before you return to headquarters."I raised an eyebrow and said,"A few months?.."

"Yes,Noah,a few months,four months to be exact."Doc replied.I could already see Mae's jaw dropping and Aleah's eyes widening.

"Now that is why,I chose you three because of your mental and physical abilities.Though I thought about putting Eva too.But the team will sure be a wreck without her at headquarters."Doc said.

"Anyway,moving on to the mission.I need each of you to gather information on each native tribe,The Akuraii,the Teniki and the Lywa clan.The info you gather will be of great use to Atora and will help serve a very important role in upcoming researches."Doc paused for a moment.

"Now, I'm gonna tell you which clan you have been assigned to so listen up and listen good." "Aleah,Elywa clan.Mae,Teniki clan and Noah you will be in the Akuraii clan.Now that you three know what to do.I need you to proceed to the three pods right there."Doc pointed to three large pods on the right of the lab."They are labelled according to the tribe you will be researching on."Doc said.

Mae,Aleah and I were hesitating a little.The idea of going into a human-sized pod was just odd and taboo.

"Don't worry they're safe.They will help you blend in with the natives though the one downside is that you will be able to understand nor speak the language of the natives until a few days.However,drinking the waters of this planet may do the same effect as it does contain some form of neurolgical components."Doc tried assuring us.

"Now just lie down in those pods and rest.I have the materials you need tomorrow gathered here.Rest assured that when you wake up tomorrw you will be new and improved people..literally." Doc giggled.

After Doc's briefing,we followed her instructions and headed to our pods but as I laid on the soft interior of the pod, something inside me felt uneasy but I just shook it off and closed my eyes.Darkness soon followed.

Heyy readers!😄
Hope you enjoyed this chapter of D'mek: the sky people!⚘

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