Lost in new World London

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Hi there, readers! It's been quite a while I didn't write down The Great Mouse Detective fanfic stories. I'm all ran out of ideas that time.

When I watch other Sherlock Holmes shows, like Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century, and Sherlock Gnomes, and when I discovered that Aggie is always been my favorite and famous OC, I was thinking I should make some changes, starting by making my own version of 'Great Mouse Detective' with my other OC, Hermogenes Borra, a human with plain insect-like fairy wings.

Like Aggie, Borra was a interdimensional traveler, and belongs to the same human home world where Aggie lives, but their wings are different from each other. Aggie's wings have lace, while Borra has none, but they both have the same shape of their wings. His whole story will revealed in this story.

I was inspired by Gotham317's work from Fanfiction.net, like she was my idol. She was one of the main reason I decided to make my own version from the movies. I thank her for borrowing some words that belong from her story.

I don't own Disney's Great Mouse Detective or anything, just my OC, Hermogenes Borra.



Hermogenes Borra was just an ordinary Filipino human boy who's born with insect-like fairy wings. His parents were never been married, so he lived with his father. It is unknown how Borra was born with wings. His mother was never been a fairy nor having wings, not even his father. He was born that way. In the late 19th century, the Philippines was still ruled by the Spaniards, and people were very afraid of abnormal people, like Borra since he's the only human who has wings. To protect Borra from being exposed of his wings, his father hid them under his clothes, and kept them hidden ever since he was still an infant.

It's been 12 years that he kept his wings hidden under his clothes, but, one day, when he was bullied by some boys in school, Borra fought back, which made his wings exposed as their pointy tips ripped the back of his shirt, relieving them from folding inside the shirt. The students and teachers reported about Borra's wings as he ran away back to his home to ask help from his father. That night, an angry mob came with torches and pitchforks, wanting to kill Borra because they thought he was a monster... with wings. Borra can feel an upcoming bad luck with his wings via twitchy wings. As they were prepared, thanks to Borra's wings, he and his father ran away from the back door of their house just before the mob burned their house.

Borra and his father rushed into the forest. His father decided to split up with his son to trail-off the mob away from them. Fortunately, Borra was lost deep into the forest, which his fellow humans will never found him. However, he was alone now. He got separated from his father, and never saw him again. Borra sat down under a tree, tucked himself, hugged his knees, and cried. He blamed himself and his wings. He always wished he never had wings, and always thought his wings is his bad luck as he still kept his wings underneath his shirt.

Suddenly, behind the bushes, he noticed something glowing. Borra approached it and pushed the bushes aside, seeing a glowing green portal. "What is that?" He asked himself. Suddenly, the portal began to suck itself as it wanted to suck Borra into it. He grabbed a branch of a tree to hold into it, but the branch snapped, and he got sucked into the portal.

In the portal, Borra went all round and round in the air as he screamed "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

Then, a hole opened at the end of the portal. The portal spat her out as he landed on a cemented floor. When the portal closed, Borra got up on her feet as she looked around. It was very dark, it's evening, and it's raining. Suddenly, a large wheel splashed water all over Borra. He was confuse that how can a wheel get to be so big, even a... horse? And humans? He looked around the area. Everything is huge. The buildings, horses, humans, post lights, and everything around is not like the Philippine. It's like in an other country. He spotted a giant newspaper, and when he read it, he figured out that this place is London, England. Borra realized he's not in the Philippines nor home anymore. He never recognized this place before.

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