Chapter 1

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Jake's pov:I woke up to someone playing with my hair I open my eyes slowly and I see Erika
E:good morning sorry did I wake you up
J:no you didn't(smiles)
E:god that smile
J:thx (giggles)
Erika's pov:I wasn't supposed to say that out loud
J:it's ok don't worry(kisses her cheek)
E:wanna go out today
J:sure I'll take a shower you can wait here then we can do anything
Erika's pov:I sat in Jake's bed and waited for him then he got out with black sweatpants and no shirt on damn those abs WAIT WHAT?!!what's wrong with me I tell him I like his smile and now I staring at his abs I can't be falling for my best friend
J:earth to Erika
J:are you ok
E:yes let's go
Jake and Erika go out Logan shoves Jake and he hits the wall
L:oops I tripped
J:whatever let's go Erika
Erika's pov:I felt bad so I went over and hugged him
J:it's ok don't worry
Erika kissed Jake cheek then they went to his car
E:where are we going
J:nothing fancy will just get froyo
E:are you kidding me you know how much I love froyo
J:I know(giggles)
E:you are the best Jakey thank you
J:it's ok let's go now
They go to froyo then Jake dropped Erika off at her house and he went home
G:where have you been Jake
J:I w..was out with E..erika
J:but she's my best friend
G:don't argue with me(he slaps Jake and punches him until he falls to the ground and then he kicked him with his led in his abs making Jake scream in pain)
Jake's pov:I got up and tears were streaming down of my face I walked until I reached Erika's house I knocked on the door and she opened
Erika's pov:I opened the door and I see Jake with a busted lip a black eye and he was crying
E:OMG JAKE WHAT HAPPENED(says while grabbing his hand and leading him to her room they sat on her bed and she hugged him really tight

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