Chapter 5

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*phone call with hospital*
J:hello who's this
N:this is the hospital your family got into a car crash
J:A..are they ok?
N:your mum and dad are awake but your brother didn't wake up
J:ok I am coming
Erika's pov:Jake finished his phone call and looked at me with tears in his eye
J:they got in a car crash
E:they will be ok let's go see them
J:ok um Erika
J:thank you for always being with me
E:that's what best friends are for
*at the hospital*
J:I am here for Logan paul
N:who are you
J:Jake paul his brother
N:you can wait in the waiting room
J:are my parents ok
N:yeah they went back home
Erika's pov:me and Jake are in the waiting room and he is so worried it's really kind of him after what all his brother put him through
N:Logan paul?
N:you can see him but only family members are allowed
J:Erika you can go home
E:ok but come to my house after
J:ok thank you
Jake's pov:I walked and saw him hooked up to a lot of machines and I went over to him and held his hand
J:p..pls w...wake up I...i know you h...hate me but I n..need you pls d..don't l..leave me(crying)
Logan's pov:I opened my eyes slowly I felt pain everywhere I look around I am in a hospital room and Jake is crying while holding my hand why does he even care
J:omg you woke up(hugs him and cries)
J:what?do you want to me to leave
L:no pls hug me again
Logan's pov:I don't know why I said that but the first one made me feel good
Jake's pov:is he asking me to hug him I was so confused I was shaking a bit but I hugged him really tight
L:I am s... sorry for the way I treated you
J:I don't care as long as you are ok
Logan's pov:Jake is really kind why do I even treat him like this
Dr:looks like you woke up ,Jake if he says anything weird it's because the medicine we gave him so he doesn't know what he is saying
J:ohh(a tear fell from his eye)

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