I walked out of the room, my eyes puffy and red. While hiding my face from the curious people, I immediately went to the toilet. I opened the tap water and washed my face.
Splash, splash, splash.
I closed the tap and looked at the mirror which is attached to the wall. What stood before me is a girl who has lost her hopes.
I heard the door creaking indicating someone has came into the stall. I cleared my voice and pulled out some toilet papers to wipe my face. I threw them inside the bin and stepped out of the toilet. I took a deep breath before walking towards where my mom is waiting.
I saw her leaning on her car, her hand is busy scrolling down her phone. I walked towards her and she immediately sensed my presence. She looked up from her phone to give me her attention. She smiled, and I smiled back.
"Ready to go home?" She asked.
I nodded my head slowly, "Yeah."
I went around the car towards the passanger seat and settled in. My mom did the same and sat on the driver seat. We buckled up the seatbelts and mom pulled off from the parking lot.
"What did he say?"
"Oh, nothing much. He reminded me to not forget to take the pills due time." I answered casually with a smile.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Later that day, my mom had left me and went to our family's home. She reminded me to call if anything happens, or even if there is absolutely nothing happens. I promised to call her and she hugged me tightly before letting go and started moving.
I closed the door behind me, almost forgetting to lock it when Lucas' words suddenly popped up in my head.
I went to my room and plopped myself onto the bed with an oof. I laid on my bed with my face on the mattress. I stayed like that while I thought about what Dr. Rogue has said to me today.
He said that if the black thingy thing which is on the side of my brain keep growing bigger and bigger, my death will come sooner than expected. He told me to stay alerted with my health issues. He also told me to come to him if I have even the slightest headache.
I seriously don't know how to feel about this. I lied to my mom, to my whole family, saying that I am okay when I am absolutely not. I lied to Cara and told her that the doctor said I will have longer life. I lied to Nathan by telling him that my life is actually not in danger at all.
All of these lies in just one day.
Before I knew it, my cheeks are already wet with tears streaming down onto it. I sat up and leaned on the bedpost. I brought my knees to my chest and put my forehead on them. I started to sob loudly. I cried and cried and cried, like a whale.
But then my phone went off.
It was Lucas. I complied with myself whether I should answer it or not.
I decided to not answer it.
I continued on crying with my phone kept vibrating, indicating that he is still waiting for me to pick up. After some time, the vibrating stopped. Before I could sigh, it vibrated again. I grabbed my phone and turned it off.
I don't want to lie to him.
After an hour my sheets and pillow were already wet. My eyes felt tired from all those crying and not long after that, the darkness welcomed me to ease my pain.
I opened my eyes just to see darkness. Somehow my eyes felt moisty, I instantly got panicked with the unknown feeling. I abruptly sat up and my eyes can see again. Now the light welcomed me, making my eyes squint.
I looked down on my lap to see a damp handkerchief. So this was the thing that was on my eyes earlier, which made my eyes can't see. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of it while trying to remember when the hell do I get this thing for myself.
All of a sudden my bedroom's door swung open and came in Lucas with his casual grey T and fit jeans. He looked at me and smiled warmly, "Hey."
I smiled back confusedly, "Hi."
He walked in and that was when I noticed that he is holding a tray of food. He put the tray on my nightstand and took a sit on a chair beside my bed.
He studied my face before lifting his hands and reaching towards it. He gently cupped my cheeks. He softly rubbed my eyebags with the pads of his thumbs. "Your eyes are still puffy." He commented.
He then took the handkerchief from earlier from my hand and put it down the tray. I followed his every movement until his eyes locked into mine.
"I boiled you some soup." He cooed.
He took the bowl of soup and scopped some of it with a spoon. Then he gently blowed onto it before bringing it to my mouth. "Have some."
I looked at the spoon then at him. My hand reached for the spoon, "I can feed myself."
He pulled the spoon away from me, but not so harsh so the soup would stay in its place. He shook his head, "I insist."
I frowned at him and let out a shaky breath. Then I opened my mouth and let him fed me the whole thing.
After the soup has finished he put the bowl down. He held my hand and put it in between his. He rubbed it softly with his thumb, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Are you tired?" He asked.
I shook my head slowly, "No, but you must be."
He let out a deep chuckle, "This is so you." He muttered.
I stared at him confusedly but didn't bother to ask what he meant by that. I leaned on the bedpost and yawned.
When he noticed it he told me to go get some sleep. I refused, saying that if I do, he would have no one to talk to. But what he said next surely got me butterflies in my stomach.
I hesitantly nodded before making room for him on my bed. Then we slept while hugging each other and I could safely say that it was one of the best sleep I've ever had in life.

His Victoria
Romance⚠️ Cringe Warning ⚠️ my story is literally a joke don't say i didn't warn you 💀 . . . Victoria Kalie Maurice, despite having a terrible truth about herself, she just lives her life to the fullest as if nothing is absolutely wrong. She just can't le...