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"I've got a better idea." I wiggled one of my eyebrows and smirk playfully.

He scrunched his nose but smile anyway, probably amused by my 'devious' look. He straightened his posture as if he's ready to listen to a secret plan and said, "Tell me."

"Well it sure is boring to stay at one spot for hours," I began, "so why don't we sneak out and have our movie moment this night?"

He leaned away from me, "You are not serious."

"Deadly serious."

"Okay first of all, why don't you sneak out, not us, and second of all, you can't do that." He said sternly as he crossed his arms on his chest. I sighed. He reminded me of my mom who left me with no argument not long ago.

I jutted my bottom lip in a pout and gave him my infamous puppy eyes, "Oh, pleeaasee?" I blinked my eyes for some times to make my plead more acceptable.

He looked at me horrifyingly. Then he stared at my pouted lips but not for long before he focused back on my eyes. I changed my facial expression into a hopeful face, my mouth smiled wide and my eyes glistened.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours before he finally sighed and muttered a 'fine'. I instantly threw my hands up and yelped for my achievement in provoking him. He rolled his eyes and with that our mission to sneak out began.

Firstly I called my mom and told her not to come to accompany me tonight since Cara will come instead. She was immediately okay with it, since she thought that I might want to spend my last day here with my bestie. She thought wrong.

Ugh, I hate lying to her the most. But I convinced myself that it is not completely a lie, since I am intending to spend my last day here with someone, just that, that someone is not Cara but Lucas.

Then I called Cara to tell her my plan.

"Oh my God girl! Are you okay now?! Gosh.. If I knew that this would happen, I wouldn't have went to a short vacay with Brian." She said dramatically over the phone.

I giggled, "I'm completely fine. When are you coming back?"

"Fortunately, we are coming back tonight! I will immediately run to you right after we have arrived so don't worry bestie."

Thank God she's coming back tonight, or else I wouldn't know what I would do tomorrow if I couldn't see her and Brian before I go.

"Actually, that is what I want to talk about to you right now.." Not wanting to beat around the bush, I went straight to the point, "I want to spend the night tonight with Lucas at his house and so I am sneaking out of the hospital."

"You are what?!" Geez, rest in peace, my ear.

Ignoring her outburst I continued, "And so I want you to help me to convince my mom that you are here in the hospital with me, so she wouldn't freak out after knowing that you weren't actually here and so she wouldn't come to find me."

It was silence at the other end.

"Wow." Was all she said, before she began to speak again, "I have never thought that there would come a day when Victoria Kalie Maurice is going to break a rule."

"So will you help me, or not?"

"Psh, you don't even need to ask. Of course I will."

I thanked her and cut the call. Now that that's done, it's time for the tricky part. I looked at Lucas who's already staring at me with a frown.  I tilted my head in confusion, "What's wrong?"

He sighed, "Are you really going to do this? This.. It's risky. Who knows what will happen if you suddenly collapse. I don't want to make it worse for you. And most importantly.." He paused and cupped both of my hands with his, "..your health is my main priority. You know we can always spend time together after tomorrow morning, right?"

My heart skipped a beat. My health is his main priority. What does that even mean? And for the latter, he can't be more wrong about that.. I want to shout at him that we are not going to see each other anymore after tonight. But I don't want to ruin our movie night. I will tell him after we've done spending our last time together.

"Lucas, I–" I cut myself off and inhaled a deep breath, "Come on, we need to get out of here."


"Please?" I begged him for one last time. He searched for my eyes for a moment, before he finally sighed and nodded slowly. He grabbed my hand and whispered a 'let's go'.

Sneaking out of the hospital was indeed a very difficult job to do, but we still made it somehow. I had to change my outfit into casual clothes. And to make it looked like I was just a visitor, Lucas gave me his sunglasses to hide my face. You don't know me, but all of the staffs in this hospital have seen me coming here every month so basically, they all knew me quite well.

I changed my hairstyle into a messy bun since I didn't usually do that style. We walked through the hall confidently, I was sweating furiously. Lucas might have noticed it because his grip on my hand tightened in assurance while we walked.

There were some nurses looking at us suspiciously but I just gave them a nod so that they would think that I'm not the person they thought they recognized.

Once we got into Lucas' car, we both let out a breath we didn't know we held. I got rid of the sunglasses and gave it back to Lucas. Then I got rid of my bun.

"That was nerve-wracking." I giggled.

Lucas chuckled and nodded his head. He then turned on the ignition and before I knew it, we were already on our way to his penthouse.

"Do you have your pills with you?" Lucas asked.

I gave him a small smile and took the bottle out of my bag. "Have 'em." I showed it to him and he took a quick glance at it before focusing back on the road. He nodded in approvement.

I've promised to myself that I will never disappoint anyone that are dear to me ever again.

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