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"Hey, Victoria. I'm just wondering if you have gotten to your parents' home safely."

"Oh yeah, I have. Thank you for asking." I smiled but forgot that he couldn't see me.

He sighed, "Thank God."

Aww he's worried. Such a sweet guy.

"Vicky, lunch is ready!" My mom called out to me from downstairs. I answered her with an 'okay' and apologized to Lucas that we couldn't talk long. He said it was okay and hung up.

I rushed downstairs and saw that mom and Jack were talking about a football game.

"What football game? Are you playing, J?" I sat down on my chair and started eating my food.

"Yeah, it's this Monday."

"Woops I can't come. Sorry boo."

He rolled his eyes at me and mumbled something I couldn't decipher. Probably talking about how bad of a sister I am. Lmao.

"Vicky, how's everything?" My mom asked me with concern look in her eyes.

"Good." I shrugged.

She sighed and put her spoon down. "You know you can just live with us, right?"

"I know, mom. But it is my senior year and I wish to finish it with my friends."

"You can also have friends here, you know?"

"It is not the same." I said, dismissing the topic.

Here's the actual thing. Earlier this year, my dad got a promotion to work here in this city and he gladly accepted it without even asking me first. I didn't want to move out from our current home because it means saying goodbye to my friends whom I grew up with.

I wanted to stay but my parents were very eager to move out. Then my sweet little brother suggested for me to stay because he understood that it was my senior year and I wanted to spend the time I had left with the ones who are dear to me.

My parents were very against it at first but my friends, especially Cara, convinced them that they will take care of me and will look out for my meals (because I am a bad cook lol). My parents love Cara as if she is their own daughter, so they finally, reluctantly, approve.

And that is why I live separately from my family.

"Are you having your pills properly?" Mom asked as she once again put her spoon down. I looked at her plate and saw that she has finished eating.

Before I could answer her, a screeching sound interrupted me. Jackson stood up from his chair and went to the sink to wash his dish. Then he went up to his room.

I looked back at my mom and saw that she's expecting for an answer.

I sighed, "Yes, don't worry."

"You better. I'm going to watch you out every single second okay."

I giggled, "Okay.."

After I finished my meal, I went to my room to do some homeworks our teacher left us with. All of a sudden my phone went off signing that I got a text. I opened it to see an unknown number.

Unknown: Are you free right now?

Me: Sorry but who are you?

Unknown: Oops. It's Nathan ;)

Me: Oh. I'm free. Why'd you ask?

Nathan: Wanna get some ice cream?

Doesn't he have friends? Why me? Hm, I'm just going to ask him later.

Me: Sure.

Nathan: Great. I'll pick you up in 10. Gimme your address.

After I gave him my home address, I went to my suitcase and dug for some appropriate clothes. I ended up with a simple white T shirt, a cream cardigan, and a pair of black jeans. I put on my white sneakers and grabbed my purse, then I'm ready to go.

I went downstairs but stopped when I heard a male's laughters. Oh shit Grey is here.

Grey is my brother's bestie. But that is not the problem. The problem is that he has a crush on me. Unlike my brother, he is just an actual 14 year old who has a crush on someone older than him.

But it's not like I hate him or whatnot, he's cute and all but sometimes it gets a little bit annoying.

I continued to walk downstairs, carefully not to make noise so I can get out of the house without them noticing me.

I was near the front door when...

"Vicky, where are you going?" Dammit, J!

I flinched. "Uh. Out. Tell mom for me."

"Vicky!!!" Grey squealed as he ran up to me.

Sigh. Here we go.

"Oh, hi... Uh, Grey."

"When did you get here? Why didn't you tell me, I could've come earlier. Oh! We are playing dota. Why don't you join us?" He exclaimed excitedly.

I heard J grunted from behind Grey. I glanced at him silently and begged him to help me with using my puppy eyes but he just ignored it. He's going to get it after I come home.

"No.. Grey, I'm going out. Bye."

"Huh? Where are you going? Can I come with you?"


"Gosh, just leave her be, dude!" J finally spoke up. Nah, he's not going to get it. I love J.

"Come on. You aren't here often. I wanna spend time with you."

I was about to say something when the door bell went off. That is probably Nathan. I thank God he is here right on time.

"Woops. Gotta go. Bye." I said, ruffling his hair and quickly got out of the house.

Nathan stood there confused when he saw me rushing out. "Miss me that much already?" He joked.

"You have no idea." I shook my head.

"Come, let's go." He tugged my hand with his and pulled me into his car.

After we have settled in, he turned on the ignition and pulled off.

"This is your car?" This car is definitely for someone who is rich as fudge.

"It's my dad's, actually. Mine is back at our place."

"Why did you come here by bus when you have a car?"

"It broke down and is going on a repairment."

We went to an ice cream shop and had ice cream while walking around the park which is nearby the shop. We talked about lots of things. He told me about himself and I told him about myself.

He is the first person other than my family and Cara who knows about my case. I don't know why but I think I could trust him with it. He is such a sweet guy.

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