fireboy and watergirl

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-Michael pov-

Michael walked down the school hallway with his headphones on. He was listening to David Bowie's starman on full volume.

There were so many people in the hallways at that time of the day. He would normally wait about ten minutes after class ended so there would be less people, but today he just wanted to get home quickly. He tried hard to focus on the music. It didn't exactly work.

He knew the playlist by heart, so when the song started to fade out he prepared for the next song, but instead he heard his best friend Jeremy yelling his name.


He turned his head to see Jeremy sitting on a sofa with Christine and a laptop. Jeremy waived him over. He took of his headphones and turned off the music.

Michael walked towards them. "hey," he spoke "what's up?"

"aw man you won't believe this. So, me and Christine were just showing each other old websites we used to go to when we were younger, and Christine showed me this game and'" he turned the laptop "look!"

Michael looked at the screen "is that? '"

"yes! It is!" Jeremy laughed

"god I haven't seen that game since preschool." Michael sat down beside the two.

"wait you know this game too?" Christine asked

"course I do. Me and Jeremy used to play this constantly. But I see they've updated it?"

"fireboy and watergirl ep. Three!" Jeremy seemed extremely exited about this which made Michael chuckle

Christine smiled and leaned her head on Jeremy's shoulder "hey do you guys want to play? I really want to see how long you two can get!"

The boys locked eyes

"yeah sure"

Safe to say that they destroyed the game. Christine was having a blast watching them. Michael as fireboy and Jeremy as watergirl they played their way through the game with ease. No communication was needed.

Apparently Christine's aunt was in town for the weekend, so it was one of the few weekends Michael got to spend with Jeremy. After Christine and Jeremy started dating they'd spend a bunch of time together, which made sense; they were a new couple after all, but Michael was grateful for the time he got to spend with Jeremy.

After school they quickly went by Jeremy's place so he could take a bath. Michael just played video games on Jeremys computer in the meantime. After that they simply left. Jeremy's dad was happy when he could spend nights at his friends place since he couldn't take as much care of Jeremy as he would want after he started on his new job. Which in a way was exactly was what Jeremy had always wished for.

Now the two of them were standing in their favorite sev' elev' to get some slushies before they left for Michael's place.

Michael stood in one side of the shop picking out snacks (not that they didn't have enough already) while Jeremy filled their cups with red and blue slushy.

"hey Jeremy bud should we get sour cream and onion too?"

"dude is that even a question"

Michael quickly considered that and agreed "fair". You always have space for some sour cream and onion chips. Michael threw in some more bags of chips before going over to Jeremy.

Jeremy looked down at the basket Michael was carrying and raised a brow. "wont that be a little expensive" he giggled

Michael looked down. He honestly hadn't thought about that. "nah man anything for tonight. We are gonna hang out in style"

"by smoking in your basement" Jeremy laughed

"keep it down man" Michael joined the laughter. They tried to calm each other down on the way to the cashier but it didn't really work so they just stood there laughing while the employee looked at them like they had been awake for way too long and the last thing they needed was two teenage boys loudly laughing in their shop.

Michael opened the door for Jeremy on their way out "mi lady" he said bowing deeply with a grin on his face

"shut up man" Jeremy laughed gently pushing Michael out off the way over to his car

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