like a love-sick fool

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Brooke pov

It was Monday morning and Brooke was getting ready for school. She couldn't wait which was a first. Rich was coming back, and she was exited. She never thought she would actually like him, but he was a pretty cool guy also he didn't mind her talking about Chloe for hours. He even knew how to braid hair!

"cupcake its breakfast time hurry on down if you wanna eat with me and your mother ok?" it was her dad. He never called her down for breakfast, so she hurried on down

"hey guys what... up?" her dad looked ecstatic which of course he always did but today seemed different like he had a reason. Then she looked at her plate and on top of it stood a nicely wrapped present "dad! My birthday is not till June! What is this?" she smiled

Her mother smiled at her "c'mon now open it hunny"

She sat down in her chair smiling at her parents. What could it be? She carefully took of the ribbon and then the wrapping covered in cute little puppies underneath the wrapping was a cardboard box closed with washi tape also covered in puppies. She peeled of the tape and opened the box inside was a note, a washi tape and most of all a robotic puppy "dad! Mom!" she laughed "it's so cute!"

Her dad looked nervous "really? I'm sorry we couldn't get you a real one cupcake, but you know I'm allergic and,"

"no way dad this is amazing!" she interrupted "a real puppy would probably be too much work anyway and I can always get one when I move out. This is so cute dad and just the fact that you took time to make this is amazing! Thank you, dad."

Her mothers smile was wide and real "alright now let's eat. You can show Brooke how it works later Charles" she said as she noticed that her husband was already fully invested in showing their daughter how to operate the puppy

"huh?" he looked up at his wife "oh right food."

Her mother drove her to school since her work was right down the road, she did this every morning. As she walked out the door, she saw a figure racing towards her. Chloe. She seemed frustrated enraged even. "hello Joanne," she addressed Brooke's mother by first name "Brooke I have news"

"bye mom thanks for the ride" she managed to get out before being dragged towards the school. Her mother waved a goodbye and closed the car door for her daughter the drove away.

"you will not believe what happened at the party last night!" she ranted but before she could continue Brooke broke in'

"there was a party? Why wasn't I invited?"

"you were! You're the one who invited me, remember? At cherry hill! I'm gonna ask why you didn't show later but right now I need to tell you the tea" she seemed very serious, so Brooke listened as always

Apparently, Jake and two girls from Ashland had had a threesome and Chloe had walked in on them. She was pissed. Which of course she didn't really have any right to since her and Jake had been over since September. She tried so hard to be friends with him but that wasn't what she wanted at all. She wanted Jake and her to get back together even though in Brooke's opinion he was a bit of a jerk about relationships and Chloe definitely deserved better. she had thought that Chloe meant the same thing but after everybody had gotten squipped she started going after him again even though she had almost managed to just move on and date other people.

Later that day in class Rich had gotten into one of the same classes as Brooke and since neither Chloe or Jenna had that class Brooke didn't have somebody to sit next to before Rich came and took a seat.

"hey" he whispered

"hi" she murmured back

"what chapter we at?"

"I have no clue" she answered quite truthfully

He glanced at her "really"

"yeah I finished the book last month"

"you what?" he cried a little too loud for the teachers liking

"shh" their teacher hissed

He raised his hands apologizingly and lisped "sorry sir"

"mam" she said under her breath

"what" he whispered back

"she's a woman"

"no way!"

"I was as surprised as you are"


"also, the strictest Christian lady I have ever met so unless you wanna fail immediately I suggest you keep your cursing to the minimum"

After class was lunch break so the two went to the cafeteria together. As they got their plates Rich suddenly did a silent gossip "ok so don't look now but kind of do because Michael is looking like the most love-sick fool, I have ever seen in my entire life right now" she looked the same direction as Rich and saw two familiar faces; Michael and Jeremy. Jeremy seemed to be telling some story completely oblivious to the fact that Michael was indeed looking like a love-sick fool at him. The charm broke the moment Christine Canigula sat down beside Jeremy though.

"ok I definitely see what you mean. Oh my god he is so in love its almost sad"

"well considering the fact that Jeremy is currently kissing his girlfriend while blushing hard right in front of him, it actually is sad".

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