Ways of rejecting roleplays/Tumblr roleplaying as a whole

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Now before I even start this, this isnt a chapter that is based off one certain experience. Rather it be here or on Tumblr, I have been rejected roleplay several times. I dont have a problem with flat out telling me that you dont wanna roleplay with me for your own reasons, but dammit please watch how you do it.

Note: I will be providing screenshots yet cropping out names to protect them. Theres no point in me being malicious by putting usernames.

 Theres no point in me being malicious by putting usernames

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Now this one here. This one pisses me off. Not because of me not reading their rules or anything, but the way of them going about the rejection. There is nothing wrong with telling someone you arent interested but under no circumstance should you be rude about it.

You all can dismiss me as being a whinny child with this but I have it written in my rules and blog that I am a mobile user. This means that I cannot see pages on blogs like if I was on a computer. So if that's the case, this person cannot get angry at me for wanting to interact with them.

If I am being perfectly honest, this is one of the worst ways of rejecting a person, mutuals or not.  Their blog was so aesthetically pleasing and pretty which would draw people in yet with this continued attitude of theirs, it isnt gonna cause new mutuals. Maybe its just me who thinks this. I am sure the person had their own reasons of being this way, so I just looked at my phone in distain after this.

{Number one reason why I dont like interacting with pleasing blogs since their admins are usually dicks towards other blogs that arent as pretty. Just saying.}

This way is alot better honestly

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This way is alot better honestly. I will admit once again, I cannot read their rules because of mobile Tumblr sucking ass. So that is a problem on my part but I do appreciate how they were honest about it. There isnt much to say with this one.

All in all, I would like to say that I do love Tumblr as a site for roleplaying, but some admins screw it up. The first example is the prime reason why I stick to watty mostly for roleplaying since their isnt alot of work or complicated things that come with it. This isnt even mentioning the times where an anon came to my blog just to criticize me.

Before you all assume, I am not against criticism. Yet after constantly explaining that I am a mobile user and I didnt know shit about Tumblr pages and other shit you would need for the site for roleplaying, they kept coming back. I didnt know how to respond after 20+ asks of nothing but going back and forth.

Thats why Im sort of terrified to roleplay on tumblr since the mutual system and admins screwed it up. I have never been used to the whole mutual system and why people do it nor the reason why your blog has to look a certain way in order for people to come and roleplay. I know you can say at this point I am just rambling and being a whinny shit, not being able to educate myself on it, but even then I tried.

Like deadass, I tried learning how to put pages up or use those tiny ass icons, but any attempt I did couldnt work. I wasn't successful in any attempt. But 2 users on there helped with my blog and icons! I wish they were here so I could thank them, cause without them, I wouldnt be at 400+ followers there.

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