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UGHHHHHHH!!!! I wasnt gonna say anything about this yet as time goes on, its making me angrier as time goes on. With the grow of new accounts and things on watty, I am happy to see it! Until I meet those people that dont like replying.

This is what I mean.
Person: *posts a one liner call*
Me: Oooh this character looks interesting! *comments for one*
Person: *replies to everyone except me*
Me: Well shit.

'wEll yOu sHoUlDn'T bE eXpEcTiNg A rEpLy!' Im sure some of you are saying.

I get it, some people may not see it. Yet when it happens 6 going on 7 consecutive times, it isnt a mistake anymore. I try to be as patient as possible with admins because everyone has something to do outside of the internet.

But god damn! If I give a small comment under a one liner and you arent interested in rping with me, shoot me a message! Tell me why you dont wish to rp with me! Is my muse not your type? Too weird? Annoying? It would be better than just ignoring me all together!

I dont expect people to respond to me within a few hours. Hell, not even a day! The minimum I give for replies is a week after my reply was sent. I would like to think I am paitent when it comes to replies. I feel like Im bothering the admins if I ask them to reply before that! At times I may forget about rps and may end up reminding the person a month later but still!

And on the topic of replying, DO NOT RUSH PEOPLE TO REPLY! Do not spam them, do not rush them, do not force them too! I see shit like this happening to my friend all the time, people constantly asking for her to reply, and I feel so bad for her! People should see rping as fun and not as a chore! Those that have the honor of rping with anyone should see that as a privilege, not as an obligation for the fellow party!

For me though, its the opposite! Every time I post something, its normally crickets. I try to continue rping as if everything is okay, yet it throws me off that everyone else around me gets feedback, comments, etc, and I cant get anything. I would also like to say, yes Im very jealous. Im sick of having to work so hard to gain peoples attention for them to give me feedback on things yet it never happens anyway! So why bother anymore?!

Things that annoy adminnieWhere stories live. Discover now