More Secrets.

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The front page of a newspaper with a picture of the remains of William under the headline: SHARKS EAT SHARK. The newspaper drops to reveal Richard at his desk.

"I can't believe this." He drops the paper and is about to leave his office when the phone on his desk rings. He answers.


"Mr. Steven Richard?"

"Who is this?"

"FBI special agent Jack Ross. I'm lead agent on a case. A serial killer we call the tag killer." Ross speaks into the reciever as Richard hides his anger but not to well.

"I've seen the publicity. Marks his victims with a flower. From Colombia. A Cataleya orchid."

"Yes, and when I try to access information, I get stuck with a CIA Access denied folder. I understand you were the station chief down there when this rash of murders with the same MO..."

"Listen, Agent Ross," Richard interrupts, rolling his eyes in annoyance as if agent Ross could see him, "we don't give out any type of information over the phone. So what I suggest is you file a formal request with the agency for any information you might want. And I'll be more than happy to get back to you as soon as I can." He hangs up.


A plane lands and people are being disembark. We think Cat is getting off the plane but instead it is Marco and two of his thugs. As he is crossing the terminal, he passes a newspaper machine. The headline of the paper in the window catches his eye: SHARKS EAT SHARK. As he stares at the picture of the dead William, his phone rings.

"Bueno?" A pissed off Richard is on the phone.

"No more bullshitting me Marco. I've got the FBI on my ass now. I want that problem taken care of. Yesterday. Do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."


The newspaper picture of William being pinned to a board. Ross turns from pinning up the picture alongside the other twenty two, to his team.

"Where are we? We ID'd everyone who came in and out of the police station for the twenty four hours preceding the incident. The only one that we could not verify was a..." He reads, "Valarie Phillips. Picked up for drunk driving four hours before the hit on Rizzo."

"A woman? Are you sure?" One of the male officers questions.

"It's our only lead. Let's see her booking report."

"Well, there was a little problem. Seems she was too drunk to get a photo. But not to get prints. We ran the prints in the data base but no match was found." One of the officers that were there that night speaks up.

"Lovely. So if there is no booking record, how did we get the name?"

"A library card. The only ID she had was a library card."

"I don't believe this. There are the surveillance tapes. From three angles. Well, let's see them." The two agents look at each other, even more chagrined. One of them pushes a button on the computer. And the three angles come up. One has a shot of Cat's face covered by her hair, one has a shot of her face covered by her hand, and the third one has an angle of her nose.

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