My Parents' Killer.

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A big stell door opens, revealing an armory of weapons from pistols to RPG's. Cat loads weapons and ammo into Pepe's big red truck. The last thing she takes: a LAWS rocket launcher.

The dogs sit there, watching her.

"You guys ever been to New Orleans?" Off the dog's puzzled faces... The red truck smashes through the doors of Pepe's warehouse. The truck heads off down the road, disappearing into the night. Cat drives through the night, just watching the road. The dogs sit behind her, also watching the road. She passes a sign: NEW ORLEANS 500 MILES.


SMITH, a courtly old architect, opens his door and enters his building. Smith enters to find...

"Good morning." Sitting, with two cups of coffee, and pastries. "I didn't know if you took sugar and cream, so I got one of each."

"Who are you?" The chubby man asks.

"You designed the house at eight seven six Magnolia."

"You either leave immediately young lady or I am going to call the police." Cat pulls a gun.

"I would love to see the plans of this house." Cat says, ever so sweetly.


"You will take up positions here..." As Don Luis sips a cognac, staring out the big bay window onto the wide street beyond the garden. The house sits prominent in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. Marco points to the floor plan, explaining to the dozen thugs gathered with their weapons...

"....And here. And here. You must expect the unexpected. She is like mist under a door, like a mouse in the wall. She will never attack straight on. You will not see her, until it is too late. She is that invisible."

Don Luis continues to sip his cognac. He sees a big red truck approaching in the distance up the road. As he watches, squinting, curious, the truck does an abrupt U turn. Marco continues instructing his men, oblivious to what is going on.

"We would prefer she be taken alive. But with a bitch like this, if you get a kill shot you take it."

...Don Luis watches, as a woman gets out of the truck. He cannot make out who it is, what with the fog and his vision...

"Marco?" He say trying to warn him about the lady. He sees the woman open the rear door of the truck, and pull something out. He takes his glasses out of his pocket, puts them on. Just in time to see... Marco turns. Seeing the rocket heading right for the salon. They all leap out of the way, just as the rocket comes crashing through the bay window. And blows the salon to smithereens.

Cat reenters the truck, drives off fast.

As the debris falls, and the dust and smoke rises, Marco helps Don Luis up. He is a little stunned. Through the gaping hole where the bay window was, they see the red truck driving off.

"You four! Get the armored Mercedes! We have to get Don Luis out of here!" Marco instructed. The four run off.

"Don Luis! This way! Everyone to their positions!" As they all run out... The four thugs run into the garage, where there are several cars. And a big armored van.

"OK! Everyone in!" But just as they open the doors to the big Mercedes... Cat leaps out of the truck, and before the four startled thugs know what has hit them, she puts three of them down with shots to the heart. The fourth runs out the back. The fourth thug runs for all he is worth, bleeding from his forehead, panicked.

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