Chapter 2

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Please make sure to vote for this story on the 17th of August if you liked it. 

The time had come; graduation day was here and I had planned out the last few things that I wanted to do which were:

Kiss a bad boy

Destroy Kiara’s hair

Jump into a pool fully clothed

I already had my plan set up to destroy Kiara’s hair; her shampoo bottle was full of red hair dye but once she used it, I think it would probably turn her hair pink since her hair is already blonde.  I just couldn’t wait to see what she looks like when she turns up at the party tonight. Speaking of party, I still had to go over to Aaron’s house as the graduation party was being held there and I had to make sure that everything was set up right.

You could say the house was in a state as even though the decorations were up, the food wasn’t ready neither was the music. I went up to the DJ and screamed at him to get everything ready.  Aaron came out into the back garden where I was getting everything ready.

“Everything’s done now” He said to me as his body was a bit too close to mine.

“Okay well we need to get ready to get graduated then” I said to him shyly as I moved out the way but my hand brushed his and I felt sparks shoot up my arm which made me shiver in a good way.

“Lucy Hayes” Another person’s name was announced as they went up to receive there degree.

“Carter Higgins” More names went by until it was my turn

“Maddie Holt” My cheeks flushed red as I went up the stage, shaking our teacher’s hand and turning towards the front; a lot of people were sitting down except for my parents who were shouting my name whilst clapping their hands. The final names were called as tears and laughter was spread out through the crowd.

“I give you the class of 2014” Our teacher said as we all threw our caps in the air, not caring if they were going to get lost because I finally graduated.

“It’s party time” One of them said as we all made our way to Aaron’s house for the after party. I was still wearing my black dress and red robe. But I would change clothes once I reached there.

I was given a drink in a red cup by one of classmates as I entered the house; I drank it all and headed to the garden. The garden looked beautiful and more people were outside than inside. I looked towards the pool and made my way there as I stood over it.

Lisa came up and gave me a shot filled with vodka and looked at me as I drank it in one go then threw myself into the pool. I came back up and climbed out of the pool giving Lisa a big smile but she just scolded me for doing that since it was dangerous.

But I didn’t care

After drying myself and changing out of my clothes, I went outside and saw people dancing to pop music that was blasted loudly in the garden. People were jumping up and down to The Saturdays What Are You Waiting For.

“You look beautiful” He whispered in my ear as he led me to the dance floor where a slow song was now starting, Everytime by Britney Spears I think it was.

His hand on my hip pulling me closer to him, my hand in his hand making tingles spread out through my arm. We dance in sync to the rhythm as I lay my head onto his shoulder softly; it was a magical night.

“I love you Maddie” He whispered in my ear as I replied back the same, kissing him softly on the lips.

‘Kiss a bad boy, check’

Suddenly everyone was laughing out loudly over something and when I pulled apart from Aaron, I saw that Kiara was stood with her cheeks red and she was wearing a short black dress but her hair was what made everyone laugh…it was pink!

Aaron and I joined the crowd of laughter as Kiara stomped her way out of the garden and went back into the house. 

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