Chapter 8

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After I kiss Derek, I glance shyly at the ground before mumbling a goodbye and running inside. That was the stupidest thing I’ve done in awhile, but at least I got the tracking device on him.

I'm dreading talking to Mantis, even before I've walked in the door, but that doesn't stop my phone from buzzing as soon as I sit down.

I answer. "Were you even planning to let me have a minute to breathe?"

"Didn't think you'd be that worn out from a date," Mantis says.

"I don't exactly date a lot," I say. "It stressed me out." As if I should have to justify myself to Mantis.

"How much of it did you listen to?" I ask.

"All of it," Mantis says.

Of course he did. "I don't think you actually have a day job," I say. "You spend way too much time on the whole vigilante thing."

"We've already been over this," Mantis says. "I do have a day job. I just prioritized listening to your meeting today because I was curious. Besides, Derek Oliver is potentially dangerous. We don't know, and I wanted to know what was going on in case things went south."

"You're potentially dangerous too," I point out.

Mantis huffs on the other end of the line. "I don't walk out of stabbings or burning buildings unscratched. And yes, I do have resources. But I'm not a threat to you."

"I told him that you might have a security job available," I say. I am not really in the mood to argue with Mantis about all the reasons I need to stay suspicious of him, even if he is providing me with a home.

It takes a minute for Mantis to respond, "I may be able to find something for him. I'll have to see. It would be nice to have him somewhere I could keep an eye on him."

"Well you do like to keep an eye on people," I mutter. I look at the camera that's still facing the wall.

Mantis doesn't bother arguing with me, though. "You got the tracking device on him, I see."

"I had to kiss him to do it."

"Well it worked," Mantis says. "And it's just as well that you're building raport with him. Maybe we'll be able to use that to our advantage. He might open up to you more if he trusts you."

"I'm not going to pretend to date him," I say. As if I could even convince him to date me with my awkward, unpolished flirting.

"I never asked you too," Mantis says. "Kissing him was your idea. Not mine.

I sigh. I can't really argue with him on that one. Nobody made me kiss Derek. I just hope it doesn't make our movie night awkward, if Derek even decides to show up on Friday. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

Why am I freaking about this so much? It wasn't even a kiss on the lips. How much damage could it really have done?

"I'm going to need to get you some movies," Mantis says, tearing my thoughts away from the kiss. "So you'll have something to watch Friday night. Anything in particular that you want?"

"No. I haven't actually seen that many movies."

"Chick flicks it is."

I roll my eyes. "No. Don't get chick flicks.

"I thought you didn't have any preferences."

"Is there anything else you wanted to know about how the date went?" I ask. "I can't imagine there would be, since you saw all of it anyway."

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