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Frequently Asked Questions

1)   Why is this book so short?

I thought about making it longer so that it would be more like a regular novel, but ultimately decided I didn't want to stretch out the conflict with the serial killer longer than needed. This series is largely inspired by comic books, which have shorter story arcs than regular novels. I wanted to stay true to that.

2) Will there be more books about Thalia, Derek, and Mantis?

Yes! Yes! Yes! There are definitely more books! There's a Mantis short story that ties into Regenerate titled The Scientist and the next full book in the series is Shift. Also consider checking out Crossover and It's All Fun and Games Til Somebody Dies, which are set in the same universe and have the same characters.

3) When will the new books be published to Wattpad? 

As soon as I can get them written. Thanks for being patient ;)

If you have any additional questions you can ask in the comments below. Be forewarned, though. I don't give spoilers!

Finally, I just want to say thank you all for reading! You guys are awesome, and you make writing so rewarding. I'm virtually high-fiving you all!

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