The truth about love

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Bella pov

My feet echoed in the silence as I walked down the street in the dark. My thoughts going wild. Do you ever have that feeling that someone is watching you? Well I have that feeling right now.

My breath could been seen in the cold winter air. And then a twig snapped like the start of every horror movie. I whirled around but no one was there but suddenly I was hit around the head and on the floor unconscious.

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

My eyes fluttered open as a cold breeze danced on my face and the humming of a car roared playfully.

"Morning love," said klaus, "how are you today?"

" Why the hell am I here. Where are we? Why am I with you of all people?" I spat as a reply.

He remained quiet. So did I .

" I am taking you to Mystic Falls, where I live." he eventually stated.

I remained quiet still but inside I was furious. I did not want to do anything because I had a feeling he could easily hurt or kill me.

"But first we are going on a road trip." klaus said cockily.

"What about my dad? What will he he say?"

" Oh. I already staged you suicide."

Tears were forming in my eyes and I didn't say anything else. I was dead to the world. Including Edward.

the hybrid's love  (a twilight/tvd story)Where stories live. Discover now