↬ a quick author's note that nobody asked for.

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hi guys it's me, olivia. i'm writing this instead of updating my other books because being a responsible author is lame as heck, and who wants to be lame as heck? not me, that's for sure. so i present to you, this fluffball abomination.

the real purpose of this author's note is to basically inform you that i'll be using real names instead of stage ones, so just in case you're a lil confused, here's a chart of all the loona members full names. (provided by yours' truly)

heejin ↬ jeon heejin
hyunjin ↬ kim hyunjin
haseul ↬ jo haseul 
yeojin ↬ im yeojin
vivi ↬ wong kahei
kim lip ↬ kim jungeun
jinsoul ↬ jung jinsoul
choerry ↬ choi yerim 
yves ↬ ha sooyoung 
chuu ↬ kim jiwoo
go won ↬ park chaewon
olivia hye ↬ son hyejoo

got it? let's go! 

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