↬ ramen

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Sooyoung arrived at the small ramen place at about eight minutes before six, and though she looked for Jiwoo around the restaurant, she was nowhere to be found. She had been so concerned about being late, that she ran the majority of the way there and ended up being early.

She decided to take a seat in the waiting area, and she sat two seats down from the only other person in the room, an intimidating girl with perfectly straight black hair who was tapping at her phone frantically. 

She felt her own phone vibrate in her pocket and pulled it out.

5:54 PM 
hi sooyoung this is jiwoo~ 
you still down for ramen tonight? i'm omw there now~ 

5:54 PM
hi jiwoo!! 
i'm already there actually i just sat down in the waiting area c: 

set contact name: jiwoo <3

5:55 PM 
from: jiwoo <3
oh okay!! my friend hyejoo has been there for a few minutes she said she's sitting in the waiting area too, 

set contact name: sooyoung uwu

5:55 PM 
from: sooyoung uwu 

ohhh.. does she have black hair?? there's a scary looking girl sitting a few seats down w/ black hair 👀

5:55 PM 
from: jiwoo <3
that's probably hyejoo lmao i'm here now~ 

5:55 PM 
from: sooyoung uwu


Sooyoung turned her phone off in time to see the front door to the ramen place swing open, Jiwoo and another girl, with bleach blonde hair, entering. Sooyoung felt a subtle pang of jealousy as Jiwoo laughed at something the blonde said, but the jealousy was short lived as Jiwoo took notice of Sooyoung sitting near the door. 

"Sooyoung!" Jiwoo exclaimed, throwing her arms around Sooyoung, who smiled and reciprocated the gesture. "Hi, Jiwoo," She said as Jiwoo broke the hug off to pull the blonde and black haired girl over toward me. "Sooyoung, this is Chaewon," She patted the blonde girls head, the girl huffed and straightened the hairs that Jiwoo had knocked out of place, the dark-haired girl chuckled, "and this is Hyejoo." 

Jiwoo gestured towards the intimidating girl beside Chaewon, who, Sooyoung thought, looked significantly less scary now that she was smiling. Hyejoo extended her hand for Sooyoung to shake, "Hello, my name is Hyejoo. Nice to meet you," Sooyoung shook her hand gently and Hyejoo smiled a squared smile. 

"I'm Chaewon, hi," The blonde girl, Chaewon, said quietly, gently shaking Sooyoung's hand before releasing it and going to stand behind Hyejoo. "She's um.. Shy." Jiwoo whispered in Sooyoung's ear, causing the latter to chuckle softly. 

"I'm hungry, can we eat now?" Hyejoo whined at Jiwoo, who shook her head. "We have to wait for Yerim, Hyejoo," The older girl replied, causing Hyejoo to roll her eyes. 

"It's not our fault she's always late, Jiwoo-" 

With that, the door swung open and a girl with white jeans and a pale blue cropped top decorated with small cherries walked in. "Speak of the devil," Hyejoo muttered to herself, narrowing her eyes at the girl. "Hi, Yerim!" Jiwoo greeted, flinging her arms around the girl. Sooyoung caught herself glaring holes into the side of the Yerim-girl's face, jealousy practically steaming from her ears. 

Before Sooyoung had time to overthink the minuscule, friendly interaction between Jiwoo and the Yerim-girl, a short, smiley waitress with pink hair came out to greet them. "Hello! Are you all dining together?" She asked, not losing the large grin on her face, Jiwoo nodded, "Yes, all five of us." Jiwoo smiled back at the waitress and Sooyoung nearly melted. 

She'd never seen a smile so precious before. 

"Alrighty! Right this way, please," The waitress grabbed five menus and began walking back towards a table, the party of five following. After the group arrived at the table and took their seats- Hyejoo, Chaewon, Yerim, Jiwoo and Sooyoung seated respectively, the waitress left them to browse the menus. "My name is Kahei, by the way, let me know if you need anything!" 

Sooyoung flipped through the short menu aimlessly, trying to find the most appealing option out of all the ramen. She found that they didn't have anything else besides ramen, much to her dismay, Jiwoo glanced at Sooyoung, who was looking frustrated over the menu. "Sooyoung, do you know what you're getting?" Jiwoo asked. 

"Um, no.. What do you recommend?" Sooyoung questioned, cocking her head slightly as she stared at Jiwoo, who smiled and tapped her menu enthusiastically. "Tonkotsu ramen, it's my favorite! It's a type of Japanese ramen, flavored with pork bone. It's so good, Sooyoung." 

Sooyoung sat, trying to comprehend how anything flavored with the bones of a pig would be good, but she was fairly confident Jiwoo wouldn't have recommended it if it was bad. "Okay, I'll get that then." Sooyoung smiled at Jiwoo, who had turned her head to talk to Yerim, who was on her other side. 

"So, Jiwoo.. Ready to break them the news?" Yerim asked, nudging Jiwoo playfully in the side, Jiwoo's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "News?" 

"The guy, Jiwoo! Ready to tell them, they're going to be so excited." 

Oh no, Jiwoo gulped, trying not to choke on her water, I was so busy with Sooyoung I forgot about this 'guy'. 

"Y-yeah, sure," Jiwoo replied shakily and Yerim nodded joyfully before gathering the attention of all the other girls at the table. 

What have I done? 

a/n: i'm expecting a solid 2-3 more chapters on this~ thank you for all the support on this book!! i love you all <3 

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