↬ good enough

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Sooyoung slammed the door to her closet in frustration; not wanting to view the evil outfits lurking inside it. There wasn't a single item in the closet was good enough, at least not good enough to impress Kim Jiwoo, whose outfit was always beyond stylish. The photographer's fashion sense was impeccable, and though she was confident her own style wasn't atrocious, Sooyoung wanted to impress Jiwoo.

"Nothing in here is good enough, damn it," Sooyoung grumbled, viciously kicking the closet door and silently cursing herself for not being good enough. Sooyoung naturally wanted to be good enough for Jiwoo, but some part of her aspired to be more than just good. She had to be fantastic, but no amount of abusing her closet would change its contents.

"Sooyoungg," Her housemate, Jeon Heejin, whined as she thrashed her fist off the wall, "You're being loud; I'm trying to sleep." Sooyoung rolled her eyes as she reopened her closet, "That's not helping, Heejin," She muttered under her breath in clear frustration.

"I can hear you!" Heejin shouted from the room over, once again assaulting the wall in her exhausted state of anger.

"Shut up, Heejin!" Sooyoung shouted, flopping her body onto the floor before chucking a heel at the wall, listening in satisfaction as it created twice the banging sound as Heejin's fist. Her eyes wandered from the wall back to her closet, and her mood shifted from satisfied back to her original frustration.

"Why can't I just be good enough?" Sooyoung whispered to herself, twirling a strand of her brown hair aimlessly in a circle. She heaved a dense sigh, pulling herself up into the closet and carefully selecting a pair of tight, black jeans, a cropped, white top with a tan bear printed in the centre and a black jean jacket.

She looked over her outfit in the large mirror positioned beside her bed, deeming her outfit adequate- nothing overly impressive but it didn't strike Sooyoung as awful. She took a white, plastic comb and carefully parted her hair, touching up a few frizzed spots as well.

Her phone buzzed with an insignificant Instagram notification, and she meandered over toward it, picking it up and checking the time. 5:47. If she left now, she had just enough time to walk to the ramen place, and wouldn't have to shell out extra, unnecessary money for a cab.

The weather promised to turn chillier as the sun descended, and Sooyoung, who wasn't particularly fond of cool weather, wasn't willing to take any chances with it. She lifted her oversized black hoodie from her couch; the front of it read, "Failure is not an option," along with some printed decals.

Sooyoung's hoodie was right, failure was not an option right now; she had to be perfect, everything had to go absolutely perfect if Sooyoung wanted to successfully woo her tsundere photographer. And she did, oh, how she did want to win over the heart of Kim Jiwoo.

But, unfortunately, she knew things like those took time- time she usually wasn't willing to spend on such a frivolous matter, but, Jiwoo had been an exception.

"Heejin, I'm going out!" Sooyoung shouted, her body was in the hallway outside the apartment with just her head leaned in. Silence, followed by a few quiet shuffles and the eventual opening of a door led to Heejin emerging, hair tied up into a tight knot above her head. "Have fun, don't stay out too late and please, please use protection."

"Heejin!" Sooyoung practically shouted, her face redding in frustration, "It's not that kind of going out. I'm going out with friends," She hissed and was met with a simple shrug from Heejin. "My bad, Soo. I didn't know you had those."

"I do, unlike you."

"Aren't you supposed to be going out?" Heejin grumbled, closing the door on Sooyoung before flopping onto the couch and clicking on the tv, grateful for a quiet night without her roommate.

"The nerve of that girl," Sooyoung spat to herself as she exited the elevator into the lobby, weaving through scattered people and out onto the sidewalk. The streets were naturally crowded, but not so crowded that Sooyoung couldn't easily speedwalk in the direction of the ramen place beyond Jiwoo's studio.

Her heart raced at the thought of seeing Jiwoo again, yet her stomach sank in realization.

Sooyoung hated ramen.

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